Resiliency - Installation - Worksheet

Use this printable worksheet to prepare for the MOVEit DMZ Resiliency installation. The MOVEit DMZ Resiliency installation will prompt for all values listed on and below the "SQL Node" line. The rest of the fields just help ensure all our bases are covered before we proceed with deployment. Refer the "Resiliency - Architecture" documentation to learn more about supported deployments and terms such as "Application Network".

NAS Type: (Hardware/Windows Server/etc.) _______________________ Is it a SAN? _________

NAS Domain: (If not blank, all DMZ nodes must be added to it) ____________________________

NAS IP Address: (Cluster/Backbone IP Address) _____________________________________

NAS Hostname: (Cluster/Backbone Hostname) _____________________________________

Application Network Switch Type: (Brand, VLAN?) ________________________________

Cluster/Backbone Network Switch Type: (Brand, VLAN?) ________________________________

Load Balancer Type: (Cisco CSS, Windows Services, etc.) ________________________________

Firewall Type: (Brand) ________________________________

Node #1 #2 #3 (or 4, etc.)
Initial Role Primary
DB Node
DB Node
"Application Network"
IP Address
"Cluster/Backbone Network"
IP Address
SQL Node 1 2 0
DMZ Node 1 2 3 (or 4, etc.)
(use the hostname, not IP of the NAS; e.g., "\\moveitnas\myshare")
NAS Drive Letter  
(e.g., "N:")
NAS Username  
(prefix with "[domain]\" if necessary;
some MOVEit services will also run under this account)
NAS Password  
(an 8+ character password with upper and lower
case letters and at least one number is recommended)
Create local user?  
("YES" or "NO"; choose "NO" if using a
domain user or user already exists on local machine)
Copy moveitdmz folder to NAS? YES NO NO
IP of other MySQL node(s)  
IP of Node 2
IP of Node 1
IPs of Nodes 1 and 2
Copy database from other node? (N/A) YES (N/A)
IP of other Web node(s)  
IPs of Nodes
2 and 3, 4, etc.
IPs of Nodes
1 and 3, 4, etc.
IP/hostname of time server
(Unnecessary when part of a domain. Avoid Windows Server 2003.)
(e.g. "")