System Configuration - Configuration Utility

The MOVEit DMZ Configuration Utility is a GUI application used to configure global settings from the local console. This utility is the only place certain licensing, debugging, FTP, SSH and resiliency options are set. Run the configuration program by choosing the Start menu shortcut "MOVEit DMZ Config" from the local console (or terminal session) on your MOVEit DMZ server.

License Tab

You will have either a license file or license key, which will be shown here.

Note: Beginning with MOVEit DMZ v.7.0, product licenses will be distributed in the form of a license file rather than a license key. Existing customers who already have a license key can continue to use their current license key. It is not necessary to replace the key with a license file.

If you have a MOVEit DMZ license file, the file name will be displayed in the "License File" field. If you have a MOVEit DMZ license key, it will be displayed in the "License Key" field. Use the the "license file" field and the Import button to import a new license file. Use the "license key" field to apply a new license key. Any change to the license fields will take place immediately.

Underneath the license fields, a list of items you are currently licensed for will be displayed with their status and expiration.

configutil_license.png (50084 bytes)

Each licensed option can be set to On/Production, Evaluation or Off. Evaluation options behave exactly like production options, but evaluation options will shut off after their time has expired where production options will simply natter.

HINT: MOVEit AS2 and AS3 support licensing is controlled in MOVEit Central; MOVEit DMZ requires no additional license.


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WARNING: Most of the "Folder" values listed below are also saved in locations currently outside the control of the MOVEit DMZ Config utility. If you wish to move the MySQL database to another location or move the encrypted filesystem to another location, please check Ipswitch's current recommendation in our Support Site Knowledge Base first!




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SMTP Configuration

Key Email Addresses

Hint: If you need more sophisticated email options such as authentication or queueing, please set up the local IIS SMTP server. In fact, use of a local SMTP server is recommended at high volume sites to avoid waiting for responses from remote mail servers!


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Statistics Gathering

MOVEit DMZ periodically polls the local server for various status and performance statistics, and records them into a database for later processing. These settings determine how that statistics gathering mechanism operates. For more information, see the documentation on the MOVEit SysStat Service.

Other Settings


The database tab will reflect the settings of the current database engine being used by MOVEit DMZ.


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Microsoft SQL Server

configutil_database_sqlserver.png (33235 bytes)


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Diagnostic Log Settings

Diagnostic logging levels and log filesizes for the major MOVEit DMZ components are set here. For each component, the Debug Level and Max Size settings can be adjusted.

The three diagnostic MOVEit DMZ component options are:

Hints: Set Core Application debug level to "User Errors" and the FTP and SSH debug levels to "Connect Messages" while in production. The debug levels listed here may also be set and the resulting logs may also be downloaded by any SysAdmin.

Primary Services

Here the status of each of the primary MOVEit DMZ services is available, and can be controlled. Each service displays its current status, along with a button to start or stop the service. Additionally, buttons are available to start and/or stop all MOVEit DMZ services. Finally, a refresh option is available to change how frequently the config program checks the status of the services, and the time of the most recent refresh is displayed.

High Availability Service

If the MOVEit DMZ server is participating in a webfarm, the High Availability Service section will be displayed. Here the status of the High Availability Service is available, and can be controlled. As with the primary services, the current status is displayed, along with a button to start or stop the service.

NOTE: This service will also be started and stopped when the Start All and Stop All buttons in the Primary Services section are pressed.

Resiliency Services

If the MOVEit DMZ server is using MOVEit DMZ Resiliency, the Resiliency Services section will be displayed. Here the status of the resiliency services is available, and buttons are available which allow the Resiliency monitor and status windows to be opened. See the "Resiliency" section of this document for information about Resiliency.


See the "SSH Server" section of this document for information about this tab.

FTP Tabs

See the "FTP Server" section of this document for information about these tabs.