SysAdmins are encouraged to create their own cascading stylesheets (*.css) and to upload them as custom schemes to be used by any organization on their system.
The following steps will quickly allow you to create and test a custom scheme.
Your custom scheme may require the use of custom background images. Because of the many different background image options possible, MOVEit DMZ does not provide an interface to directly upload these images into the system. (SysAdmins must instead copy these images into the proper directories on the filesystem by hand.) However, MOVEit DMZ DOES prefer that your custom background use a location and naming convention.
Save your custom background images in the images\customscheme directory. Name your images as SCHEMENAME_STYLE.EXT (i.e., the .userhead background image for the Mario Bros scheme is named mariobros_userhead.gif.)
To access your custom image from a stylesheet, use the following relative syntax:
BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(../images/customscheme/SCHEMENAME_STYLE.EXT)
(i.e. "BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(../images/customscheme/mariobros_userhead.gif)" )
This section describes the various styles accepted and tested against MOVEit XSL templates and how they are used.
#maintable - The ID of the main table that contains the content of each web page. This can be useful for putting a border around the content, or making it a different background color than the rest of the page, for example.
.sectiontitle - Used on the horizontal bars which lead off MOVEit content section. You should specify both a (font) COLOR and a BACKGROUND-COLOR for this style.
.userhead - Used on the user bar and the search background displayed on (most) pages. You should specify both a (font) COLOR and a BACKGROUND-COLOR for this style.
.listrow1 - Used by the ODD rows of tables. You should specify ONLY a BACKGROUND-COLOR for this style.
.listrow2 - Used by the EVEN rows of tables. (Also currently used by the Signon Banner box on the signon page.) You should specify ONLY a BACKGROUND-COLOR for this style.
.texttiny - Used by table headers, some table information. Should be similar to .textsmall.
.textsmall - Used by MOST TEXT.
.textnormal - Despite its name, used by larger-than-normal text.
.textbig - Used by very large text. Should be similar to .textnormal.
.userinput - Used by textboxes, drop-downs, buttons, etc. Should be similar to .textsmall.
.userinputarea - Used by text areas. Should be IDENTICAL to .userinput.
BODY - Used by the document body. Use of at least BACKGROUND-COLOR is encouraged.
a:link - Color used by normal links. Use of COLOR is required.
a:visited - Should be IDENTICAL to a:link.
a:active - Should be IDENTICAL to a:link.
a:hover - Should be IDENTICAL to a:link.
a.userhead:link - Color used by links in userhead sections. Use of COLOR is required.
a.userhead:visited - Should be IDENTICAL to a.userhead:link.
a.userhead:active - Should be IDENTICAL to a.userhead:link.
a.userhead:hover - Should be IDENTICAL to a.userhead:link.
a.alert:link - Color used by "HOT" links (i.e. locked out users). Use of COLOR is required.
a.alert:visited - Should be IDENTICAL to a.alert:link.
a.alert:active - Should be IDENTICAL to a.alert:link.
a.alert:hover - Should be IDENTICAL to a.alert:link.