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System Internals - Templates and Icons

Some SysAdmins would like to alter not only the custom banners, logos and stylesheets, but XSL templates and the stock icons used to display items such as users and groups. Changes to XSL templates can be placed in special custom folders which will take precedence over stock templates, but not be overwritten by upgrades. Custom templates can even be placed such that they are only used for specific organizations on the system. Changes to icons still affect the entire site, and will likely be overwritten during upgrades, so administrators will need to maintain a copy of any custom icons used, and be sure to re-apply them after upgrades.

Editing Stock Icons

Stock icons are stored in several locations.

Favorite Icon

MOVEit DMZ's favorite icon is used to display a pretty green icon next to the URL in the URL/Location bar, in tabbed browser windows and lists of favorites/shortcuts/bookmarks. This feature has been a part of MOVEit DMZ since version 2.3, but was enhanced in version 4.0 to take advantage of recent improvements in favorite icon display in IE 7.0.

Images Folder

The main location of stock images. DO NOT change null.gif under any circumstances.

International Images Folders

While language-independent images are stored in the main Images Folder, language-dependant images (mostly button images that display text) are stored in subfolders of the main folder, each named with the language code it represents (en for English, fr for French, etc).


Stock Bullets

Note that changing any of the stock bullets selections WILL NOT change bullets already selected.

Default Organization Logo and Bullet

Making changes to these images (also possible by changing the branding of Org#0 online) will change the default banner and bullet used by each new organization.

Editing Stock Templates

XSL templates are stored in the templates subdirectory of your WebRoot directory, in subfolders corresponding to the language of the template:

DO NOT CHANGE THE TEMPLATES IN THESE FOLDERS! Any changes you make to these folders will be overwritten during the next MOVEit DMZ upgrade.

Instead, make sure a subfolder called custom exists and copy the template you would like to change into the custom folder. Templates in the custom folder override the default templates and will persist through future MOVEit DMZ upgrades. Be sure to test custom templates on a development system first before deploying them to a production server.

To change a template for all organizations:

  1. Create a templates\en subfolder named custom if one does not already exist.
  2. Copy the template you would like to change into the templates\en\custom subfolder if it does not already exist there.
  3. Make changes to the templates\en\custom version of the template as desired.

To change a template for a particular organization:

  1. Create a templates\en subfolder named custom if one does not already exist.
  2. Create a templates\en\custom subfolder named after the ID of the particular organization if one does not already exist. (For example, if the Contractor organization has an ID of 1234, create a subfolder named 1234.)
  3. Copy the template you would like to change into the templates\en\custom\[OrgID] subfolder if it does not already exist there.
  4. Make changes to the templates\en\custom\[OrgID] version of the template as desired.

To test changed templates:

After a custom template has been modified, the webserver will need to be restarted to clear MOVEit DMZ's template cache. Otherwise, the changes made to your template will not be visible. To restart the webserver, log on as an administrator to the Windows server hosting MOVEit DMZ and run the iisreset command from a command-prompt.

However, it is possible to disable MOVEit DMZ's template cache by using the NoXSLObjectCache registry entry. See Advanced Topics - System Internals - Technical Reference for more information. Once the template cache has been disabled, it is no longer necessary to restart the IIS website, but the web interface will be slower. (The NoXSLObjectCache registry option should not be left on in production.)

To find the correct template:

The fastest way to find the correct template to edit is to find a key phrase on the template you want to change (e.g., Sign On) and search for that phrase in the *.xsl files in the various MOVEit templates folders. A complete list of templates and a short description of their use can be found in the online template folders in a file called dmz_templates.txt.

MOVEit DMZ also uses a master page template called humanmain.xsl that allows administrators to change the page title, change the favorite icon, import custom stylesheets, use custom refresh scripting, change the master table spacing, style or IDs, add custom headers and footers or perform other powerful formatting operations.