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System Internals - Timeouts

Network-aware programs must deal with the case where the remote side has not responded to a message after a certain amount of time. Timeout is the term used to describe how much time a program will wait before giving up. While MOVEit DMZ allows some of its timeouts to be configured, others are fixed values. This document details some of the most commonly encountered MOVEit DMZ timeouts.

Web Interface and HTTPS Machine Interface

MOVEit DMZ's user-friendly web interface and its HTTPS machine interface (used by MOVEit Central, MOVEit DMZ API, MOVEit EZ, MOVEit Xfer, etc.) both use the same session timeout.

The value of this timeout can be changed by a Microsoft .NET configuration file called Web.config, which is located in the webroot of the MOVEitDMZ website (e.g. C:\MOVEitDMZ\wwwroot). Using Notepad or any other text editor, set the timeout attribute of the sessionState node in this file to set the timeout. This timeout is expressed in minutes. The default value is 20 minutes.

<sessionState mode="InProc" stateConnectionString="tcpip=" sqlConnectionString="data source=;user id=sa;password=" cookieless="false" timeout="20" />

You will not need to restart the server or any services after making a change to this value. The new value will apply to any new sessions.

MOVEit DMZ file transfer operations will automatically change the session timeout or individual sessions to a longer value during transfers to allow slow transfers to complete. The session timeout is reset to the shorter value (by default, 20 minutes) when a transfer is complete. The length of the long timeout can be configured the MaxSessionTimeoutMinutes registry key. Consult the Technical Reference for more information.

FTP Interface

One FTP timeout exposed to administrators is a value which allows them to control how long to wait for additional FTP commands from a still-connected-but-inactive FTP control connection before disconnecting. This timeout is expressed in seconds. The default value is 600 seconds.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Standard Networks\siLock\siLockFTPServer\IdleTimeout

You will not need to restart the server or any services after making a change to this value. The new value will apply to any new sessions.

Email Client

The timeout used by the client that sends all of MOVEit DMZ's notifications is available in the MOVEit DMZ Config utility. By default, the email timeout is 30 seconds.

If you encounter ANY sort of timeout issues on a regular basis, we recommended you enable the local SMTP server and use it as queue and buffer against transient mail delivery problems.

RADIUS and LDAP Clients

These timeouts are configurable by administrators from the Web Interface. See the related RADIUS and LDAP sections for complete information.