There are several ways to download files from MOVEit through the web interface. The general rule of thumb is to click the "Download" link next to or under the file you wish to download. If installed, the MOVEit Download Wizard will automatically help download your selected file; otherwise your browser will handle it directly.
There are several ways to find the file you need to download:
If you received a new file notification, click (or copy into your browser) the link sent in the email. This link will take you directly to the file referenced in the email. (After signing on, if necessary.)
If you received a new package notification, click (or copy into your browser) the link sent in the email. This link will take you directly to the package referenced in the email. (After signing on, if necessary.) See Getting Started - Viewing Packages for more information.
If you know the name of the folder in which your file is located, click the Folders link and navigate to the appropriate folder. A list of files will be displayed - download the one you are interested in.
If you do not know where the file is, type EITHER the NAME of the file (i.e. "readme.txt") or the FILEID (e.g., "1234567") into the Find File/Folder box on the LEFT side of the page and click the "Find File" button.