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actAsIP() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns the ActAs IP address specified during the signon process.
addAttachment(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
Adds an attachment to the list of attachments by path.
addAttachmentBuffer(byte[], String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
Adds an attachment to the list of attachments by buffer.
addFolder(String, int) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Makes a new MOVEit DMZ folder with the given path and assigns initial permissions based on the given method.
addFolder(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Makes a new MOVEit DMZ folder with the given path.
addGroup(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Adds a new group with the provided name and description.
addGroup(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Adds a new group with the provided name.
addGroupFolderAccess(String, String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Grants the specified group access to this folder.
addGroupToGroupAddressBook(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Adds a group to the specified owner group's address book.
addGroupToUserAddressBook(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Adds a group to the specified owner's address book.
addGroupToUserAddressBook(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Adds a group to the specified owner's address book.
addMailbox(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Makes a new MOVEit DMZ mailbox with the given path for the current user.
addRecipientGroup(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
Adds a group to the list of recipients.
addRecipientGroup(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
Adds a group to the list of recipients.
addRecipientUser(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
Adds a user to the list of recipients.
addRecipientUser(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
Adds a user to the list of recipients.
addTemporaryUser(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Adds a new temporary user with the provided attributes.
addTemporaryUser(String, String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Adds a new temporary user with the provided attributes.
addUser(String, String, String, String, int, String, boolean, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Adds a new user with the provided attributes.
addUser(String, String, String, String, int, String, boolean) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Adds a new user with the provided attributes.
addUser(String, String, String, String, int, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Adds a new user with the provided attributes.
addUser(String, String, String, String, int) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Adds a new user with the provided attributes.
addUserCertKey(String, int, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Adds an SSL certificate or SSH key to a user's store using provided data.
addUserFolderAccess(String, String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Grants the specified user access to this folder.
addUserToGroup(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Adds the specified user to the specified group.
addUserToGroupAddressBook(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Adds a user to the specified owner group's address book.
addUserToUserAddressBook(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Adds a user to the specified owner's address book.
addVirtualFolder(String, String, int) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Makes a new MOVEit DMZ virtual folder with the given path targeting the given folder and assigns initial permissions based on the given method.
addVirtualFolder(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Makes a new MOVEit DMZ virtual folder with the given path targeting the given folder.
adHocQuotaSize() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
The user's adhoc quota size, if any, in bytes.
adHocQuotaTime() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
The user's adhoc quota timespan value, in days.
adminFolderAccess() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserGroupInfo
If set to 1, GroupAdmins of this group will have administrative access to the home folders of the group member users.
adminFolderRelationship() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserGroupInfo
Describes the specific permissions that GroupAdmins will have on group member's home folders, if AdminFolderAccess is set to 1.
adminTempUserAccess() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserGroupInfo
If set to 1, GroupAdmins of this group will have administrative access to the temp users created by the group member users.
allowAttachments() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserGroupInfo
If set to 1, and the organization is configured to allow attachments by group only, then members of this group will be allowed to add attachments to their secure messages.
allowAttachments() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
Indicates whether the user is allowed to add attachments to packages.
allowFTPS() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
Whether the user is allowed to access the MOVEit DMZ FTPS (FTP-over-SSL) interface.
allowHTTPSClient() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
Whether the user is allowed to access the MOVEit DMZ HTTPS interface using clients other than a web browser.
allowHTTPSWeb() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
Whether the user is allowed to access the MOVEit DMZ HTTPS interface using a web browser.
allowInsecureFTP() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
Whether the user is allowed to access the MOVEit DMZ insecure FTP interface.
allowOverwrite() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFolderInfo
Indicates whether files of the same name will silently overwrite existing files of the same name.
allowSendPackages() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserGroupInfo
If set to 1, and the organization is configured to allow sending packages by group only, then members of this group will be allowed to send packages.
allowSSH() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
Whether the user is allowed to access the MOVEit DMZ SFTP (FTP-over-SSH) interface.
asAgent() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Gets the current agent string to be logged and displayed on the MOVEit DMZ server.
asAgent(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Sets an agent string to be logged and displayed on the MOVEit DMZ server.
attachmentCount() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
Returns the number of attachments associated with the current message.
attachments() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
Returns a HashMap object containing a list of message attachments.
authMethod() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
When the user's organization is using a "mixed" authentication mode (RADIUS then MOVEit or LDAP then MOVEit), this setting determines how the user will be authenticated.


body(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
The body of the message.
body() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
The body of the message.


canCreateTempUsers() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserGroupInfo
DEPRECATED If set to 1, and the organization is configured to allow creation of temp users by group only, then members of this group will be allowed to create temp users.
changeFolderSetting(String, String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Attempts to change a setting on the specified folder.
changeGroupSetting(String, String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Attempts to change a setting on the specified group.
changeUserGroupMembership(String, String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Changes the relationship of the given user to the given group.
changeUserPassword(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Changes the password of existing user Username to NewPass.
changeUserSetting(String, String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Attempts to change a setting on the specified user.
changeUserStatus(String, String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Changes the status of existing user Username to Status.
changeUserStatus(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Changes the status of existing user Username to Status.
checkMessageRecipients(MOVEitMessageInfo) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Given a MOVEitMessageInfo object defining a package to send, checks whether the assigned recipients are valid for the currently configured "From" user.
chrootDefaultFolder() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
When set to 1, the user's default folder will appear to be the root of the folder tree when a user signs on to MOVEit DMZ via the FTP or SSH interfaces.
cleanTime() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFolderInfo
Describes how often automated clean up is performed on this folder, if used.
cleanType() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFolderInfo
Describes what kind of automated clean up is regularly performed on this folder.
Client - Class in com.stdnet.moveit.api
Main class used for accessing a MOVEit DMZ server.
Client() - Constructor for class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Client(String) - Constructor for class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
clientCertFilePath(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Tells MOVEit DMZ API to use a client certificate from the given file when connecting to MOVEit DMZ.
clientCertFilePath() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns the filename used to provide a client certificates when connecting to MOVEit DMZ.
clientCertPassword(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Tells MOVEit DMZ API the password to the client certificate file set in clientCertFilePath.
clientCertPassword() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns the to the client certificate file.
clientCertType(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Tells MOVEit DMZ API the type of the client certificate file set in clientCertFilePath.
clientCertType() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns the client certificate file type.
cloneUser(String, String, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Adds a new user with the provided attributes by cloning the user with the username provided in OrigUsername.
cloneUser(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Adds a new user with the provided attributes by cloning the user with the username provided in OrigUsername.
cloneUser(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Adds a new user with the provided attributes by cloning the user with the username provided in OrigUsername.
com.stdnet.moveit.api - package com.stdnet.moveit.api
Collection of objects used for accessing a MOVEit DMZ server.
composeNewMessage(String, String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a new MOVEitMessageInfo object with a state of "Pending".
composeNewMessage(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a new MOVEitMessageInfo object with a state of "Pending".
composeNewMessage(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a new MOVEitMessageInfo object with a state of "Pending".
composeNewMessage() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a new MOVEitMessageInfo object with a state of "Pending".
copyFile(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Copies a file from the specified path to the specified folder.
copyFileAndConvert(String, String, int) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Copies a webpost converted into either a CSV file or an XML file from the specified path to the specified folder.
currentFileType() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFileInfo
Describes the type of file viewed.
customExpiration(int) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
The time in hours before the package will expire
customExpiration() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
The time in hours before the package will expire


data() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitCertKeyInfo
The cert/key data.
dataInitialized() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitObjectInfo
Returns the status of the data initialization for this object.
dataType() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitCertKeyInfo
The data type of this cert/key.
defaultCustomAttachDownloadLimit() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
The default value for setting custom attachment download limits on packages.
defaultCustomPackageExpiration() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
The default value for setting custom expiration times on packages.
defaultFolderPath() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
The full path of this user's default folder.
defaultRequestDeliveryReceipt() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
The default value for whether or not to request delivery receipts when sending a package.
defaultSecureNote() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
The default value for whether or not to secure the package note.
deleteFile(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Deletes the file with the provided path from MOVEit DMZ.
deleteFolder(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Deletes an existing MOVEit DMZ folder with the given path.
deleteGroup(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Deletes the group specified by GroupName.
deleteGroupFolderAccess(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Denies the specified group access to this folder.
deleteGroupFromGroupAddressBook(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Deletes a group from the specified owner group's address book.
deleteGroupFromUserAddressBook(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Deletes a group from the specified owner's address book.
deleteMailbox(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Deletes an existing MOVEit DMZ mailbox with the given path for the current user.
deleteMessage(String, String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Deletes the message from the specified mailbox.
deleteMessage(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Deletes the message from the specified mailbox.
deleteMessage(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Deletes the message from all mailboxes owned by the current user.
deleteUser(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Deletes the user specified by Username.
deleteUserFolderAccess(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
deleteUserFromGroupAddressBook(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Deletes a user from the specified owner group's address book.
deleteUserFromUserAddressBook(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Deletes a user from the specified owner's address book.
deliveryReceipts(int) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
When set to "1", the sender of the message will be notified when a recipient reads a message for the first time.
deliveryReceipts() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
When set to "1", the sender of the message will be notified when a recipient reads a message for the first time.
derivativeID(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
ID of draft or template message which the current pending message is derived from.
derivativeID() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
ID of draft or template message which the current pending message is derived from.
description() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFolderInfo
Description of this folder.
description() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserGroupInfo
Description of this group.
displayProfile() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserGroupInfo
Name of the Display Profile applied to this group, if any.
downloadCount() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFileInfo
Number of times this file has been downloaded.
downloadFile(String, String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Downloads the selected file from the MOVEit DMZ system into the specified local folder.
downloadFile(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Downloads the selected file from the MOVEit DMZ system into the specified local folder.
downloadFileAs(String, String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Downloads the selected file from the MOVEit DMZ system into a file with the specified full path.
downloadFileAs(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Downloads the selected file from the MOVEit DMZ system into a file with the specified full path.
downloadFileToBuffer(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Downloads the selected file from the MOVEit DMZ system and returns the contents.
downloadFileToBuffer(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Downloads the selected file from the MOVEit DMZ system and returns the contents.
downloadFileToStream(String, OutputStream, boolean, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Downloads the selected file from the MOVEit DMZ system to the provided OutputStream object.
downloadFileToStream(String, OutputStream, boolean) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Downloads the selected file from the MOVEit DMZ system to the provided OutputStream object.


email() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
This user's email address.
emailFormat() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
The user's preferred email format.
errorCode() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns the status code of the last action performed.
errorDescription() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a description of the last action performed.
expirationPolicyName() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
The name of the expiration policy assigned to this user.


fileCount() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFolderInfo
Count of all files in the folder.
fileExists(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns TRUE if the specified file exists and the currently authorized user may access it; FALSE otherwise.
fileMaskRule() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFolderInfo
Indicates whether files uploaded to the folder that match the configured filemasks will be allowed or denied.
fileMasks() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFolderInfo
Comma-delimited list of filemasks which all files uploaded to the folder will be matched against.
fileSize() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFileInfo
Size in bytes of this file.
findFiles(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a HashMap object made up of MOVEitFileInfo objects which contain information about files in any available folder whose names match the specified mask.
findFilesInFolder(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a HashMap object made up of MOVEitFileInfo objects which contain information about files whose names match the specified mask, and which are located in folders whose MOVEitFolder path is or begins with the provided MOVEitFolder.
findNewFiles(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a HashMap object made up of MOVEitFileInfo objects which contain information about NEW files in any available folder whose names match the specified mask.
findNewFilesInFolder(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a HashMap object made up of MOVEitFileInfo objects which contain information about NEW files whose names match the specified mask, and which are located in folders whose MOVEitFolder path is or begins with the provided MOVEitFolder.
folderAccessForUser(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a string containing a PermissionString describing the permissions the current authorized user enjoys on this folder.
folderID() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFileInfo
ID of the folder this file is currently in.
folderQuota() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
The user's folder quota, if any, in bytes.
folderType() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFolderInfo
Indicates what kind of folder this is.
forcePasswordChange() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
If set to 1, this user will be forced to change his or her password the next time they sign onto the system.
from(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
Sets the user to send as if the state property is "Pending".
from() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
Returns the username of the sender of the message.
fromID() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
Returns the user ID of the sender of the message if the state property is "Sent".
fromRealname() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
Returns the realname of the sender of the message if the state property is "Sent".


getAttachmentsCollection() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
Returns a collection of MOVEitMessageInfo.MOVEitMessageAttachment objects describing the attachments associated with the current message.
getFileDetails(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a MOVEitFileInfo object containing information about the specified file.
getFileInfo() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo.MOVEitMessageAttachment
File information object describing an attachment on the MOVEit DMZ server.
getFolderDetails(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a MOVEitFolderInfo object containing information about the specified folder.
getGroupDetails(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a MOVEitUserGroupInfo object containing information about the specified group.
getHomeFolder(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a MOVEitFolderInfo object which corresponds to the named user's home folder.
getID() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo.MOVEitMessageAttachment
Tracking ID of attachment file, if it is currently on the MOVEit DMZ server.
getID() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo.MOVEitMessageRecipient
ID of recipient.
getLocalData() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo.MOVEitMessageAttachment
Data contents of attachment file, if object describes a locally provided file.
getLocalPath() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo.MOVEitMessageAttachment
Local path of attachment file, if object describes a locally available file.
getName() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo.MOVEitMessageAttachment
Name of attachment file.
getName() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo.MOVEitMessageRecipient
Name of recipient.
getOrgSAMLInfo(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Gets SAML signon information for the specified organization of the MOVEit DMZ host.
getOrgSAMLInfo() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Gets SAML signon information for the default organization of the MOVEit DMZ host.
getPassword() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo.MOVEitMessageRecipient
Password of recipient, if recipient is unregistered.
getRecipientClass() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo.MOVEitMessageRecipient
Class of recipient.
getRecipientsCollection() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
Returns a collection of MOVEitMessageInfo.MOVEitMessageRecipient objects describing the recipients associated with the current message.
getRemainingDownloads() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo.MOVEitMessageAttachment
Number of downloads remaining for an attachment, if a limit has been set.
getSendAsUserInfo(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a MOVEitUserInfo object describing the specified user whom the current user is able to send messages on behalf of.
getTargetFolder(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a MOVEitFolderInfo object which corresponds to the target folder of the specified virtual folder.
getUserDetails(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a MOVEitUserInfo object containing information about the specified user.


hasData() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo.MOVEitMessageAttachment
Determines whether the object describes a local attachment file for which the data content has been provided.
homeFolder() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
The full path of this user's home folder.
homeFolderID() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
The ID of this user's home folder.
homeFolderPath() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
The full path of this user's home folder.
host() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
The hostname or IP address of the remote MOVEit DMZ server.
host(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
The hostname or IP address of the remote MOVEit DMZ server.
httpProxyHost(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
The proxy hostname to use for HTTP requests.
httpProxyHost() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
The proxy hostname to use for HTTP requests.
httpProxyPassword(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
The proxy password to use for HTTP requests.
httpProxyPassword() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
The proxy password to use for HTTP requests.
httpProxyPort(int) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
The proxy port to use for HTTP requests.
httpProxyPort() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
The proxy port to use for HTTP requests.
httpProxyUser(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
The proxy username to use for HTTP requests.
httpProxyUser() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
The proxy username to use for HTTP requests.
httpsProxyHost(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
The proxy hostname to use for HTTPS requests.
httpsProxyHost() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
The proxy hostname to use for HTTPS requests.
httpsProxyPassword(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
The proxy password to use for HTTPS requests.
httpsProxyPassword() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
The proxy password to use for HTTPS requests.
httpsProxyPort(int) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
The proxy port to use for HTTPS requests.
httpsProxyPort() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
The proxy port to use for HTTPS requests.
httpsProxyUser(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
The proxy username to use for HTTPS requests.
httpsProxyUser() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
The proxy username to use for HTTPS requests.


ID() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitCertKeyInfo
ID of this cert/key.
ID() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFilesystemObjectInfo
ID() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
If the state property is "Sent", returns the unique ID of the message.
ID() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserGroupInfo
ID of this group.
ID() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
The ID of this user.
ignoreCertProbs() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Tells MOVEit DMZ API to ignore certificate problems such as those caused by "test certificates" (bad CA) and connections by IP address rather than by host (name mismatch).
ignoreCertProbs(boolean) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Tells MOVEit DMZ API to ignore certificate problems such as those caused by "test certificates" (bad CA) and connections by IP address rather than by host (name mismatch).
importUserCertFromBuffer(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Imports an SSL public certificate to a user's certificate store.
importUserCertFromFile(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Imports an SSL public certificate to a user's certificate store from a file.
importUserKeyFromBuffer(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Imports an SSH public key to a user's certificate store.
importUserKeyFromFile(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Imports an SSH public key to a user's certificate store from a file.
instID() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitCertKeyInfo
ID of the organization this cert/key exists in.
instID() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFilesystemObjectInfo
instID() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserGroupInfo
ID of the organization this group exists in.
instID() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
ID of the organization this file exists in.
isGroup() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo.MOVEitMessageRecipient
Whether the recipient is a group.
isLocal() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo.MOVEitMessageAttachment
Determines whether the attachment file described by the object is local.
isNew() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFileInfo
Determines if the file is considered "new" for the current user.
isNew() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
Determines if the message is considered "new" for the current user.
isPending() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
Determines if the message is pending, ie has not yet been sent.
isRecalled() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
Determines if the message has been recalled.
isSent() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
Determines if the message has been sent to its intended recipients.


language() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
User's language
lastLoginStamp() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
Last time this user signed on.
listFilesInFolder(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a HashMap object made up of MOVEitFileInfo objects which contain information about files in the specified folder.
listFilesInFolderWithMask(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a HashMap object made up of MOVEitFileInfo objects which contain information about files in the specified folder whose names match the specified mask.
listFolderAccess(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a HashMap object containing string pairs of users and groups with access to this folder.
listFolders() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a HashMap object made up of MOVEitFolderInfo objects which contain information about all folders the currently authorized user can access.
listFolders(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a HashMap object made up of MOVEitFolderInfo objects which contain information about all folders the currently authorized user can access.
listFoldersInFolder(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a HashMap object made up of MOVEitFolderInfo objects which contain information about subfolders of the specified folder.
listGroupMembers(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a HashMap object containing a list of all users in the given group.
listGroups(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a HashMap object containing a list of all group names in the specified organization.
listGroups() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a HashMap object containing a list of all group names in this organization.
listMailboxes() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a HashMap object made up of MOVEitFolderInfo objects which contain information about all mailboxes owned by the current user.
listMailboxesAndShared() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a List of HashMap objects that contain information about all mailboxes owned by the current user AND all mailboxes owned by users whom the current user has Shared Mailbox access to.
listMessages(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns as HashMap object whose KEYS contain a list of Message IDs of all messages available to the current user in the provided MOVEit DMZ mailbox and whose VALUES contain MOVEitMessageInfo objects describing those messages.
listMessages(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns as HashMap object whose KEYS contain a list of Message IDs of all messages available to the current user in the provided MOVEit DMZ mailbox and whose VALUES contain MOVEitMessageInfo objects describing those messages.
listNewMessages() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a HashMap object whose KEYS contain a list of Message IDs of all new (unread) messages available to the current user, but only those messages that exist in mailboxes owned by the current user.
listNewMessagesAndShared() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a List of HashMap objects that contain information about all new (unread) messages available to the current user, including messages that are new for users that the current user has Shared Mailbox access to.
listSendAsUsers() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a list of MOVEitUserInfo objects describing all the users that the current user is able to send messages on behalf of, including the current user themselves.
listUserAddressBook(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a HashMap object containing the contents of the listed user's address book.
listUserCertsKeys(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Lists the SSL certificates and SSH keys in a user's store.
listUserGroups(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a HashMap object containing a list of group names to which this user belongs.
listUserGroupsNot(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a HashMap object containing a list of group names to which this user DOES NOT belong.
listUsers(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a HashMap object containing a list of users in this organization.
listUsers() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a HashMap object containing a list of users in this organization.
listUsersAdvanced(String, int, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a HashMap object containing a list of users in this organization.
listUsersAdvanced(String, int, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a HashMap object containing a list of users in this organization.
listUsersAdvanced(String, int) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a HashMap object containing a list of users in this organization.
lookupUserAddressBook(String, String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Given a piece of identifying information, determines whether any users or groups matching the search string are members of the specified user's address book MOVEit DMZ will attempt to match the search string against the Username, RealName EmailAddress, and UserID fields for a "user" lookup, or the GroupName and GroupID fields for a "group" lookup.
lookupUserAddressBook(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Given a piece of identifying information, determines whether any users or groups matching the search string are members of the current user's address book.


mailboxID() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
Returns the ID of the mailbox containing the message if the state property is "Sent".
mailboxOwner() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
Returns the username of the owner of the mailbox containing the message if the state property is "Sent".
mailboxOwnerID() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
Returns the user ID of the owner of the mailbox containing the message if the state property is "Sent".
mailboxOwnerRealname() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
Returns the realname of the owner of the mailbox containing the message if the state property is "Sent".
mailboxPath() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
Returns the path of the mailbox containing the message if the state property is "Sent".
makeRandomUserPassword(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a randomly generated password that is acceptable by the password length and strength standards of the currently signed on user's organization.
maxAttachDownloads(int) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
Configure max number of downloads per attachment for the given package.
maxAttachDownloads() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
Max number of downloads per attachment for the given package.
maxCustomAttachDownloadLimit() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
The maximum allowed value for setting custom attachment download limits on packages.
maxCustomPackageExpiration() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
The maximum allowed value for setting custom expiration times on packages.
maxMaxAttchSize() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserGroupInfo
DEPRECATED Determines the maximum attachment size restriction that GroupAdmins of this group may assign to member users.
maxMemberAdHocQuota() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserGroupInfo
Determines the maximum Ad Hoc quota restriction that GroupAdmins of this group may assign to member users.
maxMemberFolderQuota() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserGroupInfo
Determines the maximum folder quota restriction that GroupAdmins of this group may assign to member users.
maxMemberPerPackageQuota() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserGroupInfo
Determines the maximum attachment size restriction that GroupAdmins of this group may assign to member users.
maxMemberQuota() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserGroupInfo
DEPRECATED Determines the maximum folder quota restriction that GroupAdmins of this group may assign to member users.
MESSAGEREADSTATUS_ALL - Static variable in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
All of the message recipients have viewed the message.
MESSAGEREADSTATUS_NONE - Static variable in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
None of the message recipients have viewed the message.
MESSAGEREADSTATUS_SOME - Static variable in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
Some but not all of the message recipients have viewed the message.
MESSAGEREADSTATUS_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
Message read status is unknown.
MESSAGEREPLY_ALLOWED - Static variable in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
All replies are allowed.
MESSAGEREPLY_NOREPLY - Static variable in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
All replies are disallowed.
MESSAGEREPLY_NOREPLYALL - Static variable in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
Reply-all is disallowed, but reply is allowed.
MESSAGETYPE_DRAFT - Static variable in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
An unfinished message draft.
MESSAGETYPE_NORMAL - Static variable in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
A normal message.
MESSAGETYPE_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
A message template.
moveFile(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Moves a file from the specified path to the specified folder.
moveFileAndConvert(String, String, int) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Moves a webpost converted into either a CSV file or an XML file from the specified path to the specified folder.
MOVEitCertKeyInfo - Class in com.stdnet.moveit.api
Container object used to provide information about a specific user SSL certificate or SSH key on a MOVEit DMZ server.
MOVEitCertKeyInfo() - Constructor for class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitCertKeyInfo
MOVEitFileInfo - Class in com.stdnet.moveit.api
Container object used to provide information about a specific file on a MOVEit DMZ server.
MOVEitFileInfo() - Constructor for class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFileInfo
MOVEitFilesystemObjectInfo - Class in com.stdnet.moveit.api
Base class for container objects that describe filesystem objects on a MOVEit DMZ server, such as files and subfolders.
MOVEitFilesystemObjectInfo() - Constructor for class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFilesystemObjectInfo
MOVEitFolderInfo - Class in com.stdnet.moveit.api
Container object used to provide information about a specific folder on a MOVEit DMZ server.
MOVEitFolderInfo() - Constructor for class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFolderInfo
MOVEitMessageInfo - Class in com.stdnet.moveit.api
Container object used to provide information about a specific message on a MOVEit DMZ server.
MOVEitMessageInfo() - Constructor for class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
Initializes internal variables
MOVEitMessageInfo.MOVEitMessageAttachment - Class in com.stdnet.moveit.api
Object describing a message attachment.
MOVEitMessageInfo.MOVEitMessageRecipient - Class in com.stdnet.moveit.api
Object describing a message recipient.
MOVEitMessageInfo.RecipientClass - Enum in com.stdnet.moveit.api
Class of recipient (to, cc, or bcc)
MOVEitObjectInfo - Class in com.stdnet.moveit.api
Base class for container objects that describe objects on a MOVEit DMZ server.
MOVEitObjectInfo() - Constructor for class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitObjectInfo
MOVEitUserGroupInfo - Class in com.stdnet.moveit.api
Container object used to provide information about a specific user group on a MOVEit DMZ server.
MOVEitUserGroupInfo() - Constructor for class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserGroupInfo
MOVEitUserInfo - Class in com.stdnet.moveit.api
Container object used to provide information about a specific user on a MOVEit DMZ server.
MOVEitUserInfo() - Constructor for class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
moveMessage(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Moves the message from the provided source mailbox to the provided destination mailbox.
moveMessage(String, String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Moves the message from the provided source mailbox to the provided destination mailbox.
moveMessage(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Moves the message to the provided destination mailbox.


name() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFileInfo
The name of this file.
name() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFilesystemObjectInfo
name() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserGroupInfo
Name of this group.
newFileCount() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFolderInfo
Count of new files in the folder.
newTime() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFolderInfo
The maximum amount of time, in days, that files in this folder are considered "new".
noReply(int) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
Sets the NoReply option value for the current pending message.
noReply() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
Gets the NoReply option value for the message.
noReplyAll(int) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
noReplyAll() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
noteDelRcpType() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFolderInfo
Describes what kind of delivery recipient notifications are used in this folder.
noteNewFileTime() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFolderInfo
Describes how often new file batch notifications are sent, if used.
noteNewFileType() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFolderInfo
Describes what kind of new file notifications are used in this folder.
noteNoDownloadTime() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFolderInfo
Describes how often "no download" batch notifications are sent, if used.
noteNoDownloadType() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFolderInfo
Describes what kind of "no download" notifications are used in this folder.
notes() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
Optional user description.
noteUpConfirmTime() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFolderInfo
Describes how often upload confirmation batch notifications are sent, if used.
noteUpConfirmType() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFolderInfo
Describes what kind of upload confirmation notifications are used in this folder.
notification() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
Indicates if this user receives email notifications.


orgID() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
The Organization ID of the current user.
orgID() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitCertKeyInfo
ID of the organization this cert/key exists in.
orgID() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFilesystemObjectInfo
orgID() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserGroupInfo
ID of the organization this group exists in.
orgID() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
ID of the organization this file exists in.
orgName() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
The Organization Name of the current user.
originalFilename() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFileInfo
The original name of this file.
originalFileType() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFileInfo
Describes what type of file this file was originally.
owner() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFolderInfo
If this folder is a mailbox, the username of the mailbox owner.
ownerID() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFolderInfo
If this folder is a mailbox, the user ID of the mailbox owner.
ownerRealname() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitCertKeyInfo
The real name of the person or automated account (e.g.
ownerRealname() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFolderInfo
If this folder is a mailbox, the realname of the mailbox owner.
ownerUserID() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitCertKeyInfo
The user ID of the person or automated account (e.g.
ownerUsername() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitCertKeyInfo
The username of the person or automated account (e.g.


parentID() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFilesystemObjectInfo
parentID(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
Sets the parentID of a pending message, indicating that the pending message is a reply or forward of the specified message.
parentID() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
If the state property is "Sent", returns the unique ID of the parent message to the message.
parentInheritRights() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFolderInfo
Indicates whether the folder inherits its permissions from its parent folder.
passChangeStamp() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
Last time this user's password was changed.
path() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFileInfo
The full path of this file.
path() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFilesystemObjectInfo
pathHash() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFolderInfo
The identifying hash associated with this folder's path.
payload() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
The raw XML payload returned by the DMZ server for the last transaction.
permission() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFolderInfo
A MOVEit Permission String describing the currently authorized user's permissions on this folder.
permission() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
Indicates what class of user this is.
perPackageQuota() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
The user's per package quota, if any, in bytes.
port() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
The port used by the HTTP or HTTPS service on the remote MOVEit DMZ server.
port(int) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
The port used by the HTTP or HTTPS service on the remote MOVEit DMZ server.
promptForWizard() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
Indicates whether the user will be prompted to install the File Transfer Wizard if they do not already have it installed.


quota() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFolderInfo
The folder quota, if any, in bytes.
quota() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
The user's folder quota, if any, in bytes.


rawResponse() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns the raw data returned from the DMZ host in response to the most recent transaction.
readMessage(String, String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a MOVEitMessageInfo object describing the message identified by the given ID.
readMessage(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a MOVEitMessageInfo object describing the message identified by the given ID.
readMessage(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a MOVEitMessageInfo object describing the message identified by the given ID.
readStatus() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
Gets the read status of the message.
realname() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
The "real" name of this user.
recipients() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
Returns a HashMap object containing TO, CC and BCC elements.
recipientsString() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
Returns a comma-delimited list of major recipients of the message.
removeUserCertKey(String, int) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Removes an SSL certificate or SSH key from a user's store.
removeUserFromGroup(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Removes the specified user from the specified group.
renameFile(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Renames an existing MOVEit DMZ file with the given path.
renameFolder(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Renames an existing MOVEit DMZ folder with the given path.
renameMailbox(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Renames an existing MOVEit DMZ mailbox with the given path for the current user.
replyForwardType(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
Whether the message is a reply, reply all, or forward of an existing message.
replyForwardType() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
Whether the message is a reply, reply all, or forward of an existing message.
requireFTPSCert() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
Whether the user is required to submit an SSL client certificate when accessing the MOVEit DMZ FTPS interface.
requireFTPSCertPassword() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
Whether the user is required to submit a password as well when submitting an SSL client certificate to the MOVEit DMZ FTPS interface.
requireHTTPSCert() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
Whether the user is required to submit an SSL client certificate when accessing the MOVEit DMZ HTTPS interface.
requireHTTPSCertPassword() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
Whether the user is required to submit a password as well when submitting an SSL client certificate to the MOVEit DMZ HTTPS interface.
requireSSHKey() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
Whether the user is required to submit an SSH client key when accessing the MOVEit DMZ SFTP interface.
requireSSHKeyPassword() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
Whether the user is required to submit a password as well when submitting an SSH client key to the MOVEit DMZ SFTP interface.
responseText() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFolderInfo
For webpost folders, text to display after a post to this folder.
responseTime() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFolderInfo
For webpost folders, the time after which redirection occurs, if used.
responseType() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFolderInfo
For webpost folders, the webpost completion and redirection setting.
runCustomReport(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Runs a custom report with the specified custom options and output format and saves it to the path specified by LocalPath.
runReport(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Runs the report specified by ReportName and saves it to the path specified by LocalPath.


scriptPath() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Used only when MOVEit DMZ has been installed into a subdirectory of an existing webserver, this property indicates what that subdirectory is.
scriptPath(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Used only when MOVEit DMZ has been installed into a subdirectory of an existing webserver, this property indicates what that subdirectory is.
secure() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Indicates whether to use unencrypted HTTP (if FALSE) or encrypted HTTPS (if TRUE) for all communications to MOVEit DMZ.
secure(boolean) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Indicates whether to use unencrypted HTTP (if FALSE) or encrypted HTTPS (if TRUE) for all communications to MOVEit DMZ.
secureBody(boolean) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
Sets whether to secure the message body.
secureBody() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
Whether the message body is secure.
sendMessage(MOVEitMessageInfo, boolean) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Given a MOVEitMessageInfo object describing a message to be sent, sends the message to the MOVEit DMZ server on behalf of the configured "From" user.
sendMessage(MOVEitMessageInfo) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Given a MOVEitMessageInfo object describing a message to be sent, sends the message to the MOVEit DMZ server on behalf of the configured "From" user.
sendStamp() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
Returns the time this message was sent if the state property is "Sent".
sendToRegisteredUsersNotInAddrBook() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserGroupInfo
If set to 1, and the organization is configured to allow sending packages to registered user not in users' address books by group only, then members of this group will be allowed to send packages to registered users who don't exist in their address book.
sendToUnregisteredRecip() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserGroupInfo
If set to 1, and the organization is configured to allow sending packages to unregistered recipients by group only, then members of this group will be allowed to send packages to recipients that do not currently exist in the system.
sendToUnregisteredRecip() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
Whether the user is allowed to send packages to recipients who are not currently registered users.
sessionCookie() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns the session cookie of the current session, if the API instance is signed on to a DMZ server.
sessionID() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns the session ID of the current session, if the API instance is signed on to a DMZ server.
sharedAccount() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
Indicates whether the user is a shared account.
signoff() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Signs off the current user.
signon(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Given a username and password, returns TRUE if signon is successful, FALSE otherwise.
signon(String, String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Given a username and password, returns TRUE if signon is successful, FALSE otherwise.
signonWithSAMLAssertion(Document) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Signs on to a MOVEit DMZ host using a SAML assertion document, rather than a username and password.
signonWithSAMLAssertion(Document, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Signs on to a MOVEit DMZ host using a SAML assertion document, rather than a username and password.
size() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
The total size of the message in bytes, including any attachments.
state() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
The send state of the object.
status() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
Either "suspended" or "active".
statusCode() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns the status code of the last action performed.
statusDescription() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns a description of the last action performed.
statusNote() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
Often indicates why this user was suspended or reactivated.
subfolderCleanTime() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFolderInfo
Describes how often automated clean up of empty subfolders is performed on this folder, if used.
subfolderCount() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFolderInfo
Count of subfolders in the folder.
subject(String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
The subject of the message
subject() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
The subject of the message
systemType() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFolderInfo
Indicates if this folder is under the control of users or the MOVEit DMZ system.


technicalDebug() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns current debug flag.
technicalDebug(boolean) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Sets and returns debug flag.
tempUsersInAddrBookExpansion() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserGroupInfo
If set to 1, temp users who are members of this group (Limited Members) will be included in address book expansion member lists of this group.
timestamp() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitCertKeyInfo
The date and time this cert/key was added.
type() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo
The type of the message.


uploadAgentBrand() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFileInfo
Brand of the agent used to upload this file.
uploadAgentVersion() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFileInfo
Version of the agent used to upload this file.
uploadComment() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFileInfo
Contains any optional comments used to describe this upload.
uploadFile(String, String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Uploads the selected file into the specified MOVEit DMZ folder.
uploadFile(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Uploads the selected file into the specified MOVEit DMZ folder.
uploadFileAs(String, String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Uploads the selected file into the specified MOVEit DMZ folder.
uploadFileAs(String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Uploads the selected file into the specified MOVEit DMZ folder.
uploadFileFromBuffer(byte[], String, String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Uploads the selected file to MOVEit DMZ from the specified buffer.
uploadFileFromBuffer(byte[], String) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Uploads the selected file to MOVEit DMZ from the specified buffer.
uploadFileFromStream(InputStream, long, String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Uploads data from the specified stream to the selected file on MOVEit DMZ.
uploadFileFromStream(InputStream, String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Uploads data from the specified stream to the selected file on MOVEit DMZ.
uploadFileFromStream(InputStream, long, String, boolean) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Uploads data from the specified stream to the selected file on MOVEit DMZ.
uploadFileFromStream(InputStream, String, boolean) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Uploads data from the specified stream to the selected file on MOVEit DMZ.
uploadIntegrity() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFileInfo
1 if file was uploaded with integrity checking, 0 if file was not.
uploadIP() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFileInfo
The IP Address, if any, from which this file was uploaded.
uploadRealname() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFileInfo
The real name of the person or automated account (e.g.
uploadStamp() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFileInfo
The date and time this file was uploaded.
uploadUserID() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFileInfo
The user ID of the person or automated account (e.g.
uploadUsername() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFileInfo
The username of the person or automated account (e.g.
useProxy(boolean) - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Indicates whether proxy settings should be used.
useProxy() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Indicates whether proxy settings should be used.
userID() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns the ID of the currently signed on user.
userListCount() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns the total number of users available via the most recent listUsers or listUsersAdvanced function call.
username() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns the Username of the currently signed on user.
username() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitUserInfo
The username of this user.
userRealname() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns the Realname of the currently signed on user.
useUniqueNames() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitFolderInfo
Indicates whether files in this folder must have unique names.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo.RecipientClass
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.stdnet.moveit.api.MOVEitMessageInfo.RecipientClass
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
version() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
Returns the version of MOVEit DMZ API Java.


welcomeMessage() - Method in class com.stdnet.moveit.api.Client
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