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Client.FolderChangeSetting Method
Changes the specified setting on the specified folder.

Namespace: MOVEit.DMZ.API
Assembly: MOVEit.DMZ.API (in MOVEit.DMZ.API.dll) Version:
public bool FolderChangeSetting(
	string MOVEitFolder,
	string SettingName,
	string NewValue


Type: System.String
Path or ID of the folder on the MOVEit Transfer host to change a setting of.
Type: System.String
Name of the setting to change.
Type: System.String
Value to apply to the setting.

Return Value

Type: Boolean
true if successful; otherwise, false.
Possible values of SettingName and the appropriate values include:
allowoverwrite0 = no, 1 = yes
cleantype0 = never, 2 = every cleantime days
cleantime0-16000 (days)
filemaskrule0 = allow all files except masks, 1 = deny all files except masks
filemaskscomma-delimited list of filemasks (eg, *.txt,frog.*,sni???.ach)
newtime0-16000 (days)
notedelrcptype0 = none, 16 = immediate
notenewfiletype0 = none, 3 = in a batch every notenewfiletime minutes, 16 = immediate
notenewfiletime0-16000 (minutes)
notenodownloadtype0 = none, 1 = every notenodownloadtime hours, 2 = every notenodownloadtime days, 3 = every notenodownloadtime minutes
noteupconfirmtype0 = none, 3 = in a batch every noteupconfirmtime minutes, 16 = immediate
noteupconfirmtime0-16000 (minutes)
parentinheritrights0 = no, 1 = yes
quota0 = none, 1-9,223,372,036,854,775,807 = quota size (in bytes)
subfoldercleantime0-16000 (days)
useuniquenames0 = no, 1 = yes
See Also