Navigate to the location of the folders or files you want to move.
Select the checkboxes for the folders and files.
Select a Destination Folder from the drop-down list. This is where the selected folders and files will be moved. The original folder and/or file will be removed from its current location.
Click Advanced Copy/Move Options to specify move details:
The following options apply to Copy operations only for most folders. For WebPost folders, the As Format option also applies when downloading multiple files.
As Format (WebPost and Archived Logs folders only): This option defines how the selected webpost or log files will be copied, moved, or downloaded. Available formats are:
Single XML Bundle. Selected files will be converted into a single XML file containing the data from each file in a separate node.
Single CSV Bundle. Selected files will be converted into a single Comma Separated Value (CSV) text file containing the data from each file in a separate row.
Individual XML files. Selected files will be individually copied or moved to the target folder as XML files. This option is not allowed when downloading multiple files.
Individual CSV files. Selected files will be individually copied or moved to the target folder as CSV text files. This option is not allowed when downloading multiple files.
Creation Information: These options define whether the original uploader information is kept with the file, or replaced by the current user's information. Note: Folder creation information is not retained.
Folder Permissions: For copied or moved folders, these options define whether the existing permissions are retained, or whether the permissions of the new parent folder are applied.
Click Move. The selected folders and/or files are moved to the destination folder.