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JavaScript Wizard

MOVEit DMZ 8.3 an subsequent versions of MOVEit Transfer include a new JavaScript Wizard for uploading files to folders and packages. The JavaScript Wizard is available in all web browsers (including Microsoft Edge) and requires no installation. It is strongly recommended that you use the JavaScript Wizard if you use a non-Internet Explorer browser. The JavaScript Wizard eliminates the elaborate browser configuration required by the Java Wizard.

The JavaScript Wizard is an Upload Wizard only. If enabled, you cannot download multiple Folder files at the same time. In addition, download integrity checks require manual verification, which you can perform at time of download, or later by checking the Recent Downloads page.

You do not need to enable the JavaScript Wizard for fresh installations of MOVEit Transfer when using non-Internet Explorer browsers. If upgrading from versions previous to version 8.3, the JavaScript Wizard must be enabled if you want to use it.

To enable the JavaScript Wizard, click My Account in the top banner. In the Edit Your Upload/Download Wizard Settings section, click Change Upload Wizard Status (JavaScript), and then click Enable the Wizard. Guest users can click Change Upload Wizard Status (JavaScript) directly from a package page.

The ActiveX and Java Wizards, if enabled, are used in preference to the JavaScript Wizard. The ActiveX and Java Wizards must be disabled before you can enable the JavaScript Wizard.

Internet Explorer Users: Only Internet Explorer 11 supports the JavaScript Wizard. If using Internet Explorer 10, you must disable the JavaScript Wizard. Internet Explorer users who want to use the JavaScript Wizard must first disable the ActiveX Wizard and then enable the JavaScript Wizard.

Learn More: To learn about the benefits of using the Wizard, how to use it to upload files, and the steps you must take to manually check download integrity while using the JavaScript Wizard, see the following topics: