The address book for a user contains the list of users and groups to which this user can send packages, if Ad Hoc Transfer is enabled.
To edit a user's address book information:
Click USERS > username. Locate the Address Book Information section. Click Edit Address Book for this User. The Edit User Address Book page opens.
The list of users and groups in the user's address book includes:
User/Group. The username or group name of the address book entry.
Allow Msgs to Members. This property is available only for groups. When set to Yes, the members of that group will also be shown in this user's list of available recipients.
X icon Removes the entry from the address book.
To add users and groups to the user's address book
Click USERS > username. Locate the Address Book Information section. Click Edit Address Book for this User.
In the box Select User or Group, select the users and groups to add. To select multiple items, hold the Ctrl key while making selections.
Optionally select checkboxes to modify the new entry. username in these options refers to the user whose address book you are editing.
Allow Packages to Individual Members of Group(s). Members of the added group are listed in the user's list of available recipients.
Also Add username to Address Books of Selected Users/Groups. Adds the user to each of the selected users' and/or groups' address books.
Also allow username to upload files to home folders of selected USERS and vice versa. Gives the user Write permissions to each selected users' home folder, AND gives the selected users Write permission to the home folder of the user whose address book is being edited..
Also allow selected GROUPS to upload files to home folder of username. Gives each selected group Write permissions to the user's home folder.