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Step 1: Install Gateway Server and Server-Side SSTP Tunnel

Before you proceed, make sure the MOVEit Transfer server is installed and running.

  1. On a separate machine from MOVEit Transfer, sign in with administrator credentials.
  2. Go to the Customer Portal and download the installer for Ipswitch Gateway 2017 SP1 for MOVEit Transfer.
  3. Open the Ipswitch Gateway installer and click Run to run the install wizard.
  4. Welcome: Select Step 1: Install a Gateway server (outside firewall) and a server side SSTP tunnel. Click Next. The installer looks for prerequisite software.
  5. System Check: The installer verifies the following:

    Click Next.

  6. Options: Ipswitch Gateway Folder: Select a location to install the Ipswitch Gateway server files, and then click Next.
  7. Options: Gateway Configuration Interface. Designate a certificate to use as the identity of the Gateway Configuration interface:

    Choose the network interface and port to listen on:

    Click Next.

  8. Options: Service User Account: Designate which account Ipswitch Gateway should use to run the Gateway service process:

    Click Next.

  9. Options: Certificate for the SSTP Tunnel: Designate a certificate to use for the Secure Socket Tunnel Protocol (SSTP) Server:

    Click Next.

  10. Options: SSTP Tunnel Credentials: Enter a Username and Password for the account that will run the SSTP tunnel. If the account does not exist, a new account will be created using these credentials. GatewayVPNUser is a sample Username.

    Important: Write down these credentials. You will need them in subsequent steps.

    Click Next.

  11. Ready to Install: Verify the installation setup, and then click Install.

    After a few moments, the installation is complete.

  12. Click Finish.

    Note: Your web browser may attempt to open the Gateway Configuration Interface at this point. You will return to the Gateway Configuration Interface after Step 2.

    Note: When you see the Enable Windows Firewall, ignore it for now. You will configure the firewall in Step 4.

Proceed to Step 2.