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Create a *.pfx or *.p12 File

If you need to create a .cer file, follow these steps:

  1. Run Internet Information Server (IIS) Manager on the MOVEit Transfer machine.
  2. In the left pane, navigate to Sites, and then the name of your MOVEit Transfer website. In most cases, that is "moveitdmz".
  3. In the right pane, choose Bindings...
  4. In the Site Bindings dialog, choose https.
  5. Choose Edit...
  6. In the Edit Site Binding dialog, choose SSL Certificate | View...
  7. In the Certificate tab, choose the Details tab.
  8. Choose Copy to File...
  9. In the Certificate Export Wizard, choose Next.
  10. In the Export Private Key window, choose Yes and choose Next.
  11. In the Export File Format, choose PKCS#12 and choose Next.
  12. In the File to Export window, choose Browse...
  13. In the Save As dialog, select a directory and enter a filename to which the certificate should be saved, such as moveittransfer.pfx
  14. Choose Save.
  15. In the File to Export window, choose Next.
  16. In the Completing the Certificate Export Wizard window, choose Finish.
  17. In the Certificate Export Wizard popup, choose OK.
  18. In the Certificate dialog, choose OK to dismiss the dialog.
  19. In the Edit Site Binding dialog, choose Cancel to dismiss the dialog.
  20. In the Site Bindings dialog, choose Close to close the dialog.
  21. Upload the file to MOVEit Transfer, and then download the file on the Ipswitch Gateway machine.