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Client Class
Main class used for accessing a MOVEit Transfer server. Contains the methods and properties necessary for signing on, transferring files, and adding, editing, and deleting users, files, and folders on a MOVEit Transfer system.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: MOVEit.DMZ.API
Assembly: MOVEit.DMZ.API (in MOVEit.DMZ.API.dll) Version:
public class Client

The Client type exposes the following members.

Public methodClient
Client object constructor.
Public propertyCsrfToken
A string that is randomly generated upon sign on. To maintain security, this must be supplied as a form value named 'csrftoken' when an API web application generates a form for a "direct upload" against MOVEit Transfer version or higher.
Public propertyHomeFolderID
The ID of this user's home folder.
Public propertyHomeFolderPath
The full path of this user's home folder.
Public propertyHost
Address of MOVEit Transfer server.
Public propertyIgnoreCertProbs
For secure connections, whether to ignore SSL server certificate issues or not.
Public propertyOrgID
ID of the currently signed on user's organization.
Public propertyOrgName
Name of the currently signed on user's organization.
Public propertyPort
TCP port to connect to MOVEit Transfer server over.
Public propertyProxyHost
Address of proxy server to use.
Public propertyProxyPassword
Password to use to authenticate to proxy server.
Public propertyProxyPort
TCP port of proxy server to use.
Public propertyProxyUsername
Username to use to authenticate to proxy server.
Public propertyScriptPath
Subdirectory path in which MOVEit Transfer resides on the webserver.
Public propertySecure
Whether to connect securely to MOVEit Transfer or not.
Public propertySessionID
Session ID string for the currently active session.
Public propertyStatusCode
Status code of the most recent transaction. A value of 0 indicates no error occurred.
Public propertyStatusDescription
Status description of the most recent transaction.
Public propertyUserListCount
The total number of users found by the most recent user list transaction. If no user list transaction has been performed yet, -1 will be returned.
Public propertyUsername
Username of the currently signed on user.
Public propertyUserRealName
Display name of the currently signed on user.
Public propertyWelcomeMessage
The organization welcome message.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFileCopy
Copies a file from the specified path to the specified folder.
Public methodFileCopyAndConvert
Copies a WebPost file from the specified path to the specified folder and converts it to the specified format.
Public methodFileDelete
Deletes the file with the specified path.
Public methodFileDownload
Downloads the specified file from the MOVEit Transfer system into the specified local folder.
Public methodFileDownloadAs
Downloads the specified file from the MOVEit Transfer system into a file with the specified full path.
Public methodFileDownloadToBuffer
Downloads the specified file from the MOVEit Transfer system and returns the contents.
Public methodFileDownloadToStream
Downloads the specified file from the MOVEit Transfer system and writes the contents to the specified stream.
Public methodFileExists
Returns true if the specified file exists and the currently authorized user may access it; returns false otherwise.
Public methodFileGetDetails
Returns a MOVEitFileInfo object containing information about the specified file.
Public methodFileMove
Moves a file from the specified path to the specified folder.
Public methodFileMoveAndConvert
Moves a WebPost file from the specified path to the specified folder and converts it to the specified format.
Public methodFileRename
Renames the specified file to the given name.
Public methodFileUpload(String, String)
Uploads the specified file into the specified MOVEit Transfer folder.
Public methodFileUpload(String, String, String)
Uploads the specified file into the specified MOVEit Transfer folder.
Public methodFileUploadAs(String, String)
Uploads the specified file into the specified MOVEit Transfer folder.
Public methodFileUploadAs(String, String, String)
Uploads the specified file into the specified MOVEit Transfer folder.
Public methodFileUploadFromBuffer(Byte[], String)
Uploads the specified byte array to MOVEit Transfer as the specified file.
Public methodFileUploadFromBuffer(Byte[], String, String)
Uploads the specified byte array to MOVEit Transfer as the specified file.
Public methodFileUploadFromStream(Stream, String)
Uploads from the specified stream to MOVEit Transfer as the specified file.
Public methodFileUploadFromStream(Stream, Int64, String)
Uploads from the specified stream to MOVEit Transfer as the specified file.
Public methodFileUploadFromStream(Stream, String, String)
Uploads from the specified stream to MOVEit Transfer as the specified file.
Public methodFileUploadFromStream(Stream, Int64, String, String)
Uploads from the specified stream to MOVEit Transfer as the specified file.
Public methodFolderAccessAddGroup
Grants the specified group access to this folder.
Public methodFolderAccessAddUser
Grants the specified user access to this folder.
Public methodFolderAccessDeleteGroup
Denies the specified group access to this folder.
Public methodFolderAccessDeleteUser
Denies the specified user access to this folder.
Public methodFolderAccessList
Returns a Dictionary object containing string pairs of users and groups with access to this folder.
Public methodFolderAdd
Makes a new MOVEit Transfer folder with the given path.
Public methodFolderChangeSetting
Changes the specified setting on the specified folder.
Public methodFolderDelete
Deletes an existing MOVEit Transfer folder with the given path.
Public methodFolderFindFiles(String)
Returns a List of MOVEitFileInfo objects which contain information about files in any available folder whose names match the specified mask.
Public methodFolderFindFiles(String, String)
Returns a List of MOVEitFileInfo objects which contain information about files whose names match the specified mask, and which are located in folders whose MOVEitFolder path is or begins with the provided MOVEitFolder.
Public methodFolderFindNewFiles(String)
Returns a List of MOVEitFileInfo objects which contain information about NEW files in any available folder whose names match the specified mask.
Public methodFolderFindNewFiles(String, String)
Returns a List of MOVEitFileInfo objects which contain information about NEW files whose names match the specified mask, and which are located in folders whose MOVEitFolder path is or begins with the provided MOVEitFolder.
Public methodFolderGetDetails
Returns a MOVEitFolderInfo object containing information about the specified folder.
Public methodFolderGetHome
Returns a MOVEitFolderInfo object which corresponds to the named user's home folder.
Public methodFolderListFiles
Returns a List of MOVEitFileInfo objects which contain information about files in the specified folder.
Public methodFolderListFilesWithMask
Returns a List of MOVEitFileInfo objects which contain information about files in the specified folder whose names match the specified mask.
Public methodFolderListFolders
Returns a List of MOVEitFolderInfo objects which contain information about subfolders of the specified folder.
Public methodFolderListFoldersAll()
Returns a List of MOVEitFolderInfo objects which contain information about all folders the currently authorized user can access.
Public methodFolderListFoldersAll(String)
Returns a List of MOVEitFolderInfo objects which contain information about all folders the currently authorized user can access.
Public methodFolderRename
Renames an existing MOVEit Transfer folder with the given path.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodMessageBoxAdd
Makes a new MOVEit Transfer mailbox with the given path.
Public methodMessageBoxDelete
Deletes an existing MOVEit Transfer mailbox with the given path.
Public methodMessageBoxListMessageBoxesAll
Returns a List of MOVEitFolderInfo objects which contain information about all mailboxes the currently authorized user owns.
Public methodMessageBoxListMessages
Returns a List of MOVEitMessageInfo objects which contain information about all messages in the specified mailbox.
Public methodMessageBoxListMessagesNew
Returns a List of MOVEitMessageInfo objects which contain information about all new (unread) messages available to the current user.
Public methodMessageBoxRename
Renames an existing MOVEit Transfer mailbox with the given path.
Public methodMessageComposeNew()
Returns a new MOVEitMessageInfo object with a state of "Pending".
Public methodMessageComposeNew(String)
Returns a new MOVEitMessageInfo object with a state of "Pending".
Public methodMessageComposeNew(String, String)
Returns a new MOVEitMessageInfo object with a state of "Pending".
Public methodMessageComposeNew(String, String, String)
Returns a new MOVEitMessageInfo object with a state of "Pending".
Public methodMessageDelete
Deletes message from all of the currently authorized user's mailboxes.
Public methodMessageMove
Moves message to the specified MOVEit Transfer mailbox.
Public methodMessageRead
Returns a MOVEitMessageInfo object describing the message identified by the given ID.
Public methodMessageSend
Sends a message to MOVEit Transfer.
Public methodOrgGetSAMLInfo()
Returns a MOVEitSAMLInfo object describing the available SAML authentication settings and servers for the default MOVEit Transfer organization.
Public methodOrgGetSAMLInfo(String)
Returns a MOVEitSAMLInfo object describing the available SAML authentication settings and servers for the provided MOVEit Transfer organization.
Public methodReportRun
Runs the specified report and saves it to the specified local path.
Public methodReportRunCustom
Runs a custom report with the specified custom options and output format and saves it to the specified local path.
Public methodSAMLSignon
Sign on to the configured MOVEit Transfer host using a SAML assertion.
Public methodSignoff
Sign off of the configured MOVEit Transfer host.
Public methodSignon
Sign on to the configured MOVEit Transfer host.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodUserAdd(String, String, String, String, Client.UserPermission)
Adds a new user with the provided attributes.
Public methodUserAdd(String, String, String, String, Client.UserPermission, String)
Adds a new user with the provided attributes.
Public methodUserAdd(String, String, String, String, Client.UserPermission, String, Boolean)
Adds a new user with the provided attributes.
Public methodUserAdd(String, String, String, String, Client.UserPermission, String, Boolean, String)
Adds a new user with the provided attributes.
Public methodUserAddressBookAddGroup(String, String)
Adds a group to the specified owner's address book.
Public methodUserAddressBookAddGroup(String, String, Boolean)
Adds a group to the specified owner's address book.
Public methodUserAddressBookAddUser
Adds a user to the specified owner's address book.
Public methodUserAddressBookDeleteGroup
Deletes a group from the specified owner's address book.
Public methodUserAddressBookDeleteUser
Deletes a user from the specified owner's address book.
Public methodUserAddressBookList
Returns a Dictionary containing the contents of the listed user's address book.
Public methodUserAddressBookLookup
Given a piece of identifying information, determines if the referenced user or group is a member of the currently authorized user's address book.
Public methodUserAddTemporary(String, String, String)
Adds a new temporary user with the provided attributes.
Public methodUserAddTemporary(String, String, String, Boolean)
Adds a new temporary user with the provided attributes.
Public methodUserCertKeyAdd
Adds an SSL certificate or SSH key to a user's store using provided data.
Public methodUserCertKeyList
Returns a list of SSL certificates and SSH keys in the user's store.
Public methodUserCertKeyRemove
Removes an SSL certificate or SSH key from a user's store.
Public methodUserChangePassword
Changes the password of the specified user.
Public methodUserChangeSetting
Changes the specified setting on the specified user.
Public methodUserChangeStatus(String, String)
Changes the status of the specified user.
Public methodUserChangeStatus(String, String, String)
Changes the status of the specified user.
Public methodUserClone(String, String, String, String, String)
Adds a new user with the provided attributes by cloning the specified original user.
Public methodUserClone(String, String, String, String, String, String)
Adds a new user with the provided attributes by cloning the specified original user.
Public methodUserClone(String, String, String, String, String, String, Boolean)
Adds a new user with the provided attributes by cloning the specified original user.
Public methodUserDelete
Deletes the specified user.
Public methodUserGetDetails
Returns a MOVEitUserInfo object containing information about the specified user.
Public methodUserGroupAdd(String)
Adds a new group with the provided name.
Public methodUserGroupAdd(String, String)
Adds a new group with the provided name and description.
Public methodUserGroupAddressBookAddGroup(String, String)
Adds a group to the specified owner group's address book.
Public methodUserGroupAddressBookAddGroup(String, String, Boolean)
Adds a group to the specified owner group's address book.
Public methodUserGroupAddressBookAddUser
Adds a user to the specified owner group's address book.
Public methodUserGroupAddressBookDeleteGroup
Deletes a group from the specified owner group's address book.
Public methodUserGroupAddressBookDeleteUser
Deletes a user from the specified owner group's address book.
Public methodUserGroupChangeMembership
Changes the relationship of the given user to the given group.
Public methodUserGroupChangeSetting
Changes the specified setting on the specified group.
Public methodUserGroupDelete
Deletes the specified group.
Public methodUserGroupGetDetails
Returns a MOVEitUserGroupInfo object containing information about the specified group.
Public methodUserGroupJoin
Adds the specified user to the specified group.
Public methodUserGroupLeave
Removes the specified user from the specified group.
Public methodUserGroupList
Returns a List of groups the specified user belongs to.
Public methodUserGroupListAll()
Returns a List of all groups in the current organization.
Public methodUserGroupListAll(String)
Returns a List of all groups in the specified organization.
Public methodUserGroupListMembers
Returns a List of all users in the specified group.
Public methodUserGroupListNot
Returns a List of groups the specified user does not belong to.
Public methodUserGroupMemberList
Returns a List of all users in the specified group.
Public methodUserList()
Returns a List of users in the current organization.
Public methodUserList(String)
Returns a List of users in the specified organization.
Public methodUserListAdvanced(Int32, Int32)
Returns a List of users in the current organization.
Public methodUserListAdvanced(Int32, Int32, Client.UserPermissionFilter, Client.UserStatusFilter, String, Client.UserSearchStringFilter, String)
Returns a List of users in the current organization.
Public methodUserListAdvanced(Int32, Int32, Client.UserPermissionFilter, Client.UserStatusFilter, String, Client.UserSearchStringFilter, String, String)
Returns a List of users in the specified organization.
Public methodUserMakeRandomPassword
Returns a randomly generated password that is acceptable by the password length and strength standards of the currently signed on user's organization.
Public methodUserSshKeyImportFromBuffer
Imports an SSH public key to a user's certificate store.
Public methodUserSshKeyImportFromFile
Imports an SSH public key to a user's certificate store from a file.
Public methodUserSslCertImportFromBuffer
Imports an SSL public certificate to a user's certificate store.
Public methodUserSslCertImportFromFile
Imports an SSL public certificate to a user's certificate store from a file.
Public eventFileDownloadBytesTransferredEvent
Event raised when a chunk of data has been downloaded from a MOVEit Transfer server.
Public eventFileUploadBytesTransferredEvent
Event raised when a chunk of data has been queued for upload to a MOVEit Transfer server.
Public fieldVERSION
Version of the library.

Before most methods can be called, the instance must be logged on to the MOVEit Transfer host. (Exceptions to this include the OrgGetSAMLInfo() methods.) Once signed on, all of the methods can be called, though many operations are not available based on the permission level of the user used to sign on to the MOVEit Transfer. In cases where the user's permission is not sufficient for the operation, the method will fail and a permission error will be returned from the StatusDescription property.

Below is an example of using the Client class to sign on to a MOVEit Transfer server and upload a local file.

Client oAPI = new Client();
oAPI.Host = "";
oAPI.Secure = true;

if (oAPI.Signon("myusername", "mypassword"))
       Console.WriteLine("Signed on ok");

    string newID = oAPI.FileUpload(@"C:\path\to\file.txt", oAPI.HomeFolderID);

    if (newID != "0")
        Console.WriteLine("Uploaded file OK: {0}", newID);
        Console.Error.WriteLine("Error uploading file: {0}", oAPI.StatusDescription);

       if (oAPI.Signoff()) 
           Console.WriteLine("Signed off ok");
    Console.Error.WriteLine("Failed to sign on: {0}", oAPI.StatusDescription);

See Also