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Before You Enable User-Home Folder Sharing Throughout Your Org!

To enable any user's top-level ("user-home") folder to be shared is discouraged!


Enable users to selectively share subfolders instead.


(Best practice)





Apply sharing authority at the individual folder level (not at "user-home" or policy scope).

Enabling sharing authority at the lowest level in a folder tree is encouraged and it reinforces the principle of least privilege (PoLP) to resources. (Best practice)

Enable the Share Allow MultiFactorAuthentication permission attribute for users or groups in the Folder Settings page for an individual folder.


(Best practice)

Consider this before you enable sharing as policy to any user's top-level ("user-home")

Warning! Changes you apply here will affect all home folders on the system. For example, if you remove all permissions, users will NOT be able to upload to, download from, share, or even view their home folder unless you add permissions directly to the folder.

Other information: org and system level Secure Folder Sharing configuration