Below is a list of the various built-in report categories, and the report types available under each category, along with the options available in each category.
Note: Typically, reports may contain up to 30 days of online audit records and 30 days of online performance statistics, depending on how you run the scheduled cleanup tasks that archive the older data.
These reports all summarize secure file transfer activity based on entries stored in the logs. All reports list uploads and downloads separately.
These reports all summarize Ad Hoc Transfer activity based on entries stored in the logs. All reports list sends and reads separately.
These reports display how many files, messages and archived logs are currently stored on MOVEit Transfer and how much space those items currently consume.
These reports all summarize user maintenance activity based on entries stored in the logs.
These reports list users (and groups) on the system, their current status and permissions.
These reports highlight suspicious signon attempts performed against a MOVEit Transfer server.
These reports examine the statistics gathered by the MOVEit SysStat service on MOVEit Transfer. (This service typically captures performance statistics to the MOVEit database about 12 times an hour.)
Several of these reports are always broken down into additional categories. Typical breakdowns include Maximum, Minimum and Average values, and TotalSystem, DMZCore, DMZISAPI, IIS, MySQL, DMZFTP, DMZSSH, DMZScheduler, and MOVEit Automation application break-outs. There are some exceptions, however.
Sessions - All
These reports show various types of content scanning activity. Two reports give specific information about scan results: Violations Blocked and DLP Violations (Allowed and Blocked). The remaining reports are maintenance reports that show aggregate counts.
If you are logged in as an organization administrator, the report shows scan results for your organization. If you are logged in as a system administrator, the report can show multiple organizations.
Includes both anti-virus (AV) detections and Data Loss Prevention (DLP) violations
Organization Keys
System reports includes the at-rest encryption key status for your MOVEit Transfer Sys-level files together with each Org in your deployment.
For example:
At-Rest Encryption Key Status Report (HTML format shown)