Scripting (End User Monitor)

This component enables you to monitor the experience of end users for specific web transactions – a series of steps through a web site or application. By continuously replaying your recorded web transactions from anywhere in your network, End User Monitor (EUM) components let you know when your web sites or applications are down, broken or slow before your end users complain. Before configuring an End User Monitor component in APM, you must:

End User Monitor components require an iDrone (EUM Poller) registered with APM. iDrone software installed on a VM is an iDrone virtual appliance, which you can locate anywhere in your network. They replay your recorded web site and application transactions, just as an end user, measuring response times and testing functionality. iDrones are not licensed. You may deploy as many as you like, such as one at headquarters and one at a branch office, to give you multiple perspectives of an application’s performance. For information on installing and configuring iDrone, see Configuring iDrone (EUM Poller).

Ipswitch’s iMacros web recording engine is used to record the web transactions to be monitored by End User Monitor components. Simply perform the web transaction you want to monitor while in recording mode. iMacros will generate an editable iMacros script that defines your transaction. The contents of the iMacros scripts are included in End User Monitor components’ configuration. APM passes the scripts’ text to iDrones, which replay the macros, just as if an end user was performing the transactions. See Using iMacros with End User Monitor components.

Configure the following:

Important: An End User Monitor component cannot be configured without a registered iDrone. See Configuring iDrone (EUM Poller).

Note: Components specified as critical cause the application to go into a down state when the component is out of threshold. Non-critical components cause the application to go into a warning state. For more information on application states, see Working with application states.

Note: Web sites and applications can perform and function differently in different browsers. iMacros supports recording and replaying in real browsers, Internet Explorer and Firefox. See Using iMacros with End User Monitor (EUM) components.

Note: If the performance or functionality of your web transactions in specific browsers is important to you, record the transaction using the iMacros browser add-on for that browser and select that browser type here. Otherwise, Ipswitch recommends using the iMacros Browser for recording and playback.

Important: End User Monitor components currently do not support the iMacros browser addon for Chrome.

Note: End User Monitor components require an iMacros script defining the web transaction to be monitored. See Using iMacros with End User Monitor (EUM) components.

Note: Application Attribute percent variables may be used in the script text. They are resolved before the script is executed by iMacros on the iDrone.

Note: End User Monitor components return transaction response time values in milliseconds.

See Also

Managing application components

CPU Utilization

Database Query

Disk Utilization

Interface Statistics

Memory Utilization

Network Port Check

WUG16.4-APM-Process Check

Scripting (PowerShell)

Service Check




Windows Performance Counter