Discovering applications

You can discover applications on and create application instances for devices previously added to Network Performance Monitor using APM. To be discoverable, an application must have at least one discoverable service or process component associated with its profile.

Important: Ensure the Use in discovery option is selected when adding or editing Windows service or process components within the application profile.

To discover applications:

  1. Click the APM tab, then select Configuration.
  2. Initiate application discovery:
    1. Select an application profile and click Discover Applications.
    2. Select an application type, use the selection boxes at left to specify which applications you want to discover, and select Discover applications from the For selected menu.
    3. Select an application type and then choose Discover applications from the Options menu at right.

    A navigation tree appears mirroring your device list which displays dynamic groups and discovery scans.

    Note: If a dialog appears indicating, "Some of the Application Profiles you selected do not have discoverable components and will not be included in the search.", click OK.

  3. Select the groups and/or devices for which you want to discover applications by clicking the applicable check boxes in the navigation tree.
  4. Click Discover applications. The Application Discovery: Discovery Results page appears.

After applications are discovered by APM, use the list of newly discovered applications to select which ones to monitor and subsequently create application instances.

To monitor newly-discovered applications:

  1. Identify an application on the list you want to begin monitoring and click Start monitoring. A Start Monitoring Application dialog appears and APM automatically begins testing the application profile components.
  2. Use the Start Monitoring Application dialog to make any desired changes to the instance you are creating. The dialog contains the following information:
    • Name. Use this box to modify the default name of the application instance.
    • Action Policy. Use this list to select an action policy to be applied to the application instance.
    • TEST Timeout. Use this box to indicate how long a component test should run prior to timeout.
    • Test Components. Use this button to immediately initiate component testing.
    • Enabled. Use these check boxes to enable or disable individual components for the Application instance.
    • Warning Threshold. Use this box to indicate when APM reports the component is experiencing a problem.
    • Down Threshold. Use this box to indicate when APM reports the component as 'Down'.
  3. Click Finish to save the application instance.
  4. Close the dialog to return to the Application Discovery: Discovery Results page.
  5. Repeat these procedures as needed to create additional application instances.

See Also



APM Terminology

APM licensing and user rights

Getting started with APM