Adding and editing a Text-To-Speech Action

This action plays a text-to-speech message on your computer.

Note: The Desktop Actions application must be running for the Text to Speech action to work.

If you want to bring the text-to-speech action sound to a Windows 2003 or Windows 2008 server class remote desktop (RDP) system, you need to enable audio mapping for the remote system's Terminal Services Configuration. To do this:
1. In Windows, click Start > Run, in the Run dialog type TSCC.msc, then click OK.
2. In the Connections folder, double-click RDP-tcp. The RDP-TCP Properties dialog appears.
3. Select the Client Settings tab, then click to clear the Audio Mapping check box. When enabled, the text-to-speech action sound only plays on the remote desktop system.

To add a Text to Speech action:

  1. From the WhatsUp Gold web interface, go to Admin > Actions. The Action Library appears.
  2. Click New. The Select Action Type dialog appears.
  3. Select Text to Speech Action, then click OK. The New Text to Speech Action dialog appears.
  4. Enter or select the appropriate information:
    • Name. Enter a unique name for the action. This name displays in the Action Library.
    • Description. (Optional) Enter additional information about the action. This description displays next to the action in the Action Library.
    • Speak Rate. Select how fast the voice speaks the message.
    • Volume. Select the volume of the message.
    • Message. Enter any text message you want audibly repeated. You can use your own text in addition to percent variables.
  5. Click OK to save changes.

Tip: To check the status of an action, or to cancel an action, in the WhatsUp Gold console go to Tools > Running Actions.

To edit an existing Text to Speech action:

  1. From the WhatsUp Gold web interface, go to Admin > Actions. The Action Library dialog appears.
  2. Select the action you would like to edit, then click Edit. The Edit Text to Speech Action dialog appears.
  3. Enter or select the appropriate information:
    • Name. Enter a unique name for the action. This name displays in the Action Library.
    • Description. (Optional) Enter additional information about the action. This description displays next to the action in the Action Library.
    • Speak Rate. Select how fast the voice speaks the message.
    • Volume. Select the volume of the message.
    • Message. Enter any text message you want audibly repeated. You can use your own text in addition to percent variables.
  4. Click OK to save changes.

Tip: To check the status of an action, or to cancel an action, in the WhatsUp Gold console go to Tools > Running Actions.

See Also

Configuring an action

Adding and editing an Active Script Action

Adding and editing a Beeper Action

Adding and editing an Email Action

Adding and editing a Log to Text File Action

Adding and editing a Pager Action

Adding and editing a PowerShell action

Adding and editing a Program Action

Adding and editing a Service Restart Action

Adding and editing a SMS Action

Adding and editing a SMS Direct Action

Adding and editing a SNMP Set Action

Adding and editing a Sound Action

Adding and editing a SSH Action

Adding and editing a Syslog Action

Adding and Editing a VMware Action

Adding and Editing a Web Alarm Action

Adding and Editing a Windows Event Log Action

Using the WinPopup Action