Have your NT Service or WMI Active Monitors been reporting errors when in fact your services or counters are up? You may need to increase the default length of the RPCPingTimeout registry value so that you are given a longer chance to connect. For example, if you wish to set the timeout to 10 seconds, set RCPingTimeout to 10000 (decimal).
To edit the RPCPingTimout registry value:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Ipswitch\Network Monitor\WhatsUp Engine\Settings
Important: The default timeout is 5 seconds, expressed as 5000 (decimal), or 0x00001388 (hexadecimal). We strongly recommend that you do not exceed a timeout of 30 seconds.
After making any changes to the registry, you need to restart the Polling Engine.
To restart the Polling Engine from the web:
To restart the Polling Engine from the WhatsUp Gold server console: