
The Wireless Map page displays a graphical representation of current wireless device connections on your network including wireless LAN controllers, access points, and clients. Initially, only controllers and access points may be visible. As you zoom in, associated clients appear in proximity to their access points. Color-coded SSIDs (wireless network names) are displayed between access points and clients. A legend is available at the bottom right of the page to show the wireless network names and associated colors. At the upper right corner of each controller and access point icon is a color coded indicator representing device status. Device status indicators are customizable. For additional information, see Changing the device state colors or icons.

Important: To ensure the Wireless map page displays properly, limit your map to less than 1800 devices (APs + WLCs + Clients).

You can click on any icon on the map page to launch a dialog containing detailed information about that device. Clicking on a Controller icon WLC MAP icon displays the following active information:

Clicking on an autonomous access point icon Wireless-Autonomous Access Point MAP icon displays the following active information:

Note: Below the SSIDs listing, the name of each individual SSID is displayed with the number of clients connected to that SSID.

Clicking on a lightweight access point icon Wireless-Autonomous Access Point MAP icon displays the following active information:

Note: Below the SSIDs listing, the name of each individual SSID is displayed with the number of clients connected to that SSID.

Note: The Wireless Map utilizes the same iconography for both lightweight and autonomous access points.

Clicking on a client icon Wireless Device MAP icon displays the following active information:

Important: Wireless automatically hides unavailable or not applicable data. For example, Aruba devices do not report RSSI or SNR statistics. If you click on a lightweight access point manufactured by Aruba, Average RSSI and Average SNR do not appear in the detailed information dialog for the device.

Note: If a device is reported with an IP address of, this indicates its controller is unable to obtain an IP address from the device or the access point cannot determine it.

See Also

Managing Devices in Wireless



