Monitors and actions FAQ

  1. Where do I configure monitors?

    All monitors (Active, Passive, Performance) are configured in the Monitors Library, accessed from Admin > Monitors.

  2. What do each of the monitor types do?

    Active monitors poll target devices for information such as ping accessibility, device services, such as Web or email servers, and more. Active monitors regularly query or poll the device services for which they are configured and wait for responses.

    Passive monitors listen for device events. As active monitors actively query or poll devices for data, passive monitors passively listen for device events.

    Performance monitors are the WhatsUp Gold feature responsible for gathering data about the performance components of the devices running on your network; for example, CPU and memory utilization. The data is then used to create reports that trend utilization and availability of these device components.

  3. Where do I assign monitors to devices?

    All monitors are assigned to devices on the Device Properties dialog, accessed by right-clicking a device in either Device or Map View, then clicking Properties.

  4. Can I assign monitors to more than one device at a time?

    Yes. The Bulk Field Change feature allows you to assign monitors to multiple devices. To use the Bulk Field Change feature, select the devices to which you want to add a monitor, right-click, then click Bulk Field Change. The Bulk Field Change menu displays the available monitor commands. Click the monitor type you want to add.

  5. Where do I configure Passive Monitor Listeners? I don't see this option on the web interface.

    Passive Monitor Listeners are configured on the WhatsUp Gold admin console from the Program Options dialog, accessed from the Configure menu.

  6. What is a global performance monitor?

    A global performance monitor can be applied to all network devices. These performance monitors are the default, base monitors that cannot be removed from the Performance Monitor Library.

  7. What are actions?

    WhatsUp Gold actions are designed to perform a task as a device or monitor state change occurs. As you configure an action, you choose the task it is to perform. Actions can try to correct the problem, notify someone of the state change, or launch an external application.

  8. Where do I configure actions?

    Actions are configured in the Actions Library, accessed from Admin > Actions.

  9. Where do I assign actions to devices?

    Actions are assigned to devices on the Device Properties dialog, accessed by right-clicking a device in either Device or Map View, then clicking Properties.

  10. What is an action policy?

    Action policies allow you to group multiple actions for use on a device or monitor. For example, you can create an action policy to restart a particular service if a service stops on a device and to email you if the device shuts down.

  11. Where are action policies configured?

    Action policies are configured in the Action Policy Library, accessed from Admin > Action Policies.

See Also

Frequently Asked Questions

Alert Center FAQ

Dashboard FAQ

Wireless FAQ

User accounts and permissions FAQ

Flow Monitor FAQ

Admin FAQ

WhatsConfigured FAQ