Adding and editing user accounts

Use the Add User and Edit User dialog to create a new user account or to edit existing user accounts.

When creating or editing a user account you can:

You must have the Manage Users right to add or edit a user account.

Note: You do not need to add users that will be authenticating through an Active Directory server. When a user logs in to WhatsUp Gold using their Windows domain credentials for the first time, a user account is created for that user. They are added to the group that was mapped to the AD group of which the user account is a member.

Important: As new Active Directory users are automatically provisioned using LDAP, the Home Device Group setting for the Web Group mapped to the user's Active Directory group at the time of provisioning is set as the initial Home Device Group for the new user. The Home Device Group for the user is now maintained independently from the Home Device Group settings of any Web Groups to which the user is assigned.

To create or edit a user account:

  1. From the WhatsUp Gold web interface, go to Admin > Users. The Manage Users dialog appears.
  2. Click New. The Add User dialog appears.
  3. Enter or select the appropriate information:
    • User name. Enter a unique name for the user account.
    • Authentication type. Select Internal for internal authentication using a password entered on this dialog. Select LDAP for remote authentication using an LDAP server (other than an Active Directory server) configured on the LDAP credentials dialog.

    Note: When you select LDAP, the Internal password and Confirm password boxes are deactivated.

    Note: When a user is being edited that has authenticated through an Active Directory server, the Authentication type for that user will appear as Active Directory.

    • Internal password. If your Authentication type is Internal, enter the password to be used with the user account.
    • Confirm password. If your Authentication type is Internal, re-enter the password to be used with the user account.
    • Home device group. Enter the device group that will be used to provide information for monitoring and dashboard reports.
    • Member of. Select the user groups to which you want the user account to be a member. Groups must be added prior to adding a user to a group. For more information on adding user groups, see Adding and Editing user groups.

    Note: When you add a user account to a group it will inherit all of the rights assigned to that group.

    Tip: Select Show rights inherited from group membership + user rights to show the user rights the user will inherit from membership in the groups selected in the Member of box. The first column of check boxes in the User Rights list indicate the user rights acquired through group membership.

  4. Select the User rights that you want to grant to the user account. For more information, see About User Rights.

    Tip: You can click Check all to select all of the available user rights.

    Note: If you grant the Manage Users right, the user account will acquire all user rights.

  5. Click OK to save changes. The user account is added to the user account list on the Manage Users dialog.

See Also


Configuring Email settings

Changing preferences

Managing dashboard views

Using the Program Options

Common SNMP traps

Event Viewer

Payload definition

Process list

Select computer

Select Device

SQL server services

Types of SNMP Trap monitors

WinEvent condition

FTP server user permissions

Setting Advanced Properties for a VoIP Monitor

Hub Transport Server Role Thresholds

Importing a MIB file

Selecting a blackout period

Select a device

Select computer

Setting Advanced Properties for a HTTP Content Monitor

Setting Advanced Properties for an Email Active Monitor

Setting Modem Connection Preferences

SMS Providers

Viewing the translation dialog


Change your password

Configure Network statistics threshold

Copy dashboard view

Copy dashboard view to a user

Edit dashboard view

New dashboard view

Select action type

Select Web Task Type

Setting Advanced Options

Editing a language