Monitor bandwidth utilization on an interface

Note: This example is provided as an illustration only and is not supported. Technical support is available for the Context object, SNMP API, and scripting environment, but Ipswitch does not provide support for JScript, VBScript, or developing and debugging Active Script monitors or actions. For assistance with this example or with writing your own scripts, visit the WhatsUp Gold user community.

This active monitor is used to monitor the total bandwidth utilization (both in and out octets) of an interface by polling values of the interface MIB.

// Settings for this monitor:
// the interface index ifIndex:
var nInterfaceIndex = 65540;

// this monitor will fail if the interface utilization goes above this current ratio:
// current bandwidth / maxBandwidth > nMaxInterfaceUtilizationRatio
var nMaxInterfaceUtilizationRatio = 0.7; // Set to 70%

// Create an SNMP object, that will poll the device.
var oSnmpRqst = new ActiveXObject("CoreAsp.SnmpRqst");

// Get the device ID
var nDeviceID = Context.GetProperty("DeviceID");

// This function polls the device returns the ifSpeed of the inteface indexed by nIfIndex.
// ifSpeed is in bits per second.
function getIfSpeed(nIfIndex) {
var oResult = oSnmpRqst.Initialize(nDeviceID);
if (oResult.Failed) {
return null;
return parseInt(SnmpGet("" + nIfIndex)); // ifSpeed
// Function to get SNMP ifInOctets for the interface indexed by nIfIndex (in bytes).
// Returns the value polled upon success, null in case of failure.
function getInOctets(nIfIndex) {
var oResult = oSnmpRqst.Initialize(nDeviceID);
if (oResult.Failed) {
return null;
return parseInt(SnmpGet("" + nIfIndex)); // inOctets

// Function to get SNMP ifOutOctets for the interface indexed by nIfIndex (in bytes).
// Returns the value polled upon success, null in case of failure.
function getOutOctets(nIfIndex) {
var oResult = oSnmpRqst.Initialize(nDeviceID);
if (oResult.Failed) {
return null;
return parseInt(SnmpGet("" + nIfIndex)); // outOctets

// Helper function to get a specific SNMP object (OID in sOid).
// Returns the value polled upon success, null in case of failure.
function SnmpGet(sOid) {
var oResult = oSnmpRqst.Get(sOid);
if (oResult.Failed) {
return null;
else {
return oResult.GetPayload;

// Get the current date. It will be used as a reference date for the SNMP polls.
var oDate = new Date();
var nPollDate = parseInt(oDate.getTime()); // get the date in millisec in an integer.
// Do the actual polling:
var nInOctets = getInOctets(nInterfaceIndex);
var nOutOctets = getOutOctets(nInterfaceIndex);
var nIfSpeed = getIfSpeed(nInterfaceIndex);
if (nInOctets == null || nOutOctets == null || nIfSpeed == null) {
Context.SetResult(1, "Failure to poll this device.");
else {
var nTotalOctets = nInOctets + nOutOctets;
// Retrieve the octets value and date of the last poll saved in a context variable:
var nInOutOctetsMonitorPreviousPolledValue = Context.GetProperty("nInOutOctetsMonitorPreviousPolledValue");
var nInOutOctetsMonitorPreviousPollDate = Context.GetProperty("nInOutOctetsMonitorPreviousPollDate");
if (nInOutOctetsMonitorPreviousPolledValue == null || nInOutOctetsMonitorPreviousPollDate == null) {
// the context variable has never been set, this is the first time we are polling.
Context.LogMessage("This monitor requires two polls.");
Context.SetResult(0, "success");
else {
// compute the bandwidth that was used between this poll and the previous poll
var nIntervalSec = (nPollDate - nInOutOctetsMonitorPreviousPollDate) / 1000; // time since last poll in seconds
var nCurrentBps = (nTotalOctets - nInOutOctetsMonitorPreviousPolledValue) * 8 / nIntervalSec;
Context.LogMessage("total octets for interface " + nInterfaceIndex + " = " + nTotalOctets);
Context.LogMessage("previous value = " + nInOutOctetsMonitorPreviousPolledValue);
Context.LogMessage("difference: " + (nTotalOctets - nInOutOctetsMonitorPreviousPolledValue) + " bytes");
Context.LogMessage("Interface Speed: " + nIfSpeed + "bps");
Context.LogMessage("time elapsed since last poll: " + nIntervalSec + "s");
Context.LogMessage("Current Bandwidth utilization: " + nCurrentBps + "bps");
if (nCurrentBps / nIfSpeed > nMaxInterfaceUtilizationRatio) {
Context.SetResult(1, "Failure: bandwidth used on this interface " + nCurrentBps + "bps / total available: " + nIfSpeed + "bps is above the specified ratio: " + nMaxInterfaceUtilizationRatio);
else {
Context.SetResult(0, "Success");
// Save this poll information in the context variables:
Context.PutProperty("nInOutOctetsMonitorPreviousPolledValue", nTotalOctets);
Context.PutProperty("nInOutOctetsMonitorPreviousPollDate", nPollDate);

See Also

Example Active Script Active Monitors

Monitoring printer ink level and utilization

Alert when temperature exceeds or drops out of range

Determine invalid user account activity

Monitor an SNMP agent running on a non standard port

Monitor for unknown MAC addresses