Alert when temperature exceeds or drops out of range

Note: This example is provided as an illustration only and is not supported. Technical support is available for the Context object, SNMP API, and scripting environment, but Ipswitch does not provide support for JScript, VBScript, or developing and debugging Active Script monitors or actions. For assistance with this example or with writing your own scripts, visit the WhatsUp Gold user community.

This active monitor polls an SNMP-enabled temperature sensor. If the temperature exceeds or drops below the configured acceptable range, an alert is fired.

// This jscript script polls the temperature from an snmp-enabled sensor from "uptime devices" (,
// and makes sure the temperature is within an acceptable range configured right below.
// The OID of the temperature object for that device is
var nMinAllowedTemp = 65;
var nMaxAllowedTemp = 75;
var oSnmpRqst = new ActiveXObject("CoreAsp.SnmpRqst");
var nDeviceID = Context.GetProperty("DeviceID");
var oComResult = oSnmpRqst.Initialize(nDeviceID);
if (oComResult.Failed) {
Context.SetResult(1, oComResult.GetErrorMsg);
else {
// poll the two counters
Context.LogMessage("Polling the temperature");
var oResponse = oSnmpRqst.Get("");
if (oResponse.Failed) {
Context.SetResult(1, oResponse.GetErrorMsg);
else {
var nTemperature = oResponse.GetValue / 10.0;
// comment out the following line to convert the temperature to Celcius degrees
//nTemperature = (nTemperature - 32) * 5 / 9;
Context.LogMessage("Success. Value=" + nTemperature + " degrees");

if (nTemperature < nMinAllowedTemp || nTemperature > nMaxAllowedTemp) {
Context.SetResult(1, "Polled temperature " + nTemperature + " is outside of the defined range " + nMinAllowedTemp + " - " + nMaxAllowedTemp);
else {
Context.SetResult(0, "Success");

See Also

Example Active Script Active Monitors

Monitoring printer ink level and utilization

Determine invalid user account activity

Monitor bandwidth utilization on an interface

Monitor an SNMP agent running on a non standard port

Monitor for unknown MAC addresses