Using the DeviceIdentifier attribute

When a Beeper Action fires, it looks for and returns a device attribute called DeviceIdentifier. You can add this attribute to a device via its Properties (Device Properties > Attributes).

If the Beeper Action does not find the DeviceIdentifier in a device's attributes, WhatsUp Gold uses the last two octets of the IP address to identify the device. For example, a numeric message is sent to a beeper when a device returns to the up state after being down:


The first digit is the number configured in the Up, Down, or passive monitor code, the second two sets of numbers identify the device using the last two octets of the device's IP address.

To configure a DeviceIdentifier attribute for a device:

  1. Open the device's Properties:
    • Right-click a device, then click Properties. The Device Properties dialog appears.
    • Click Attributes. The Attributes dialog appears.
  2. Click Add. The Add Attribute dialog appears.
  3. In Attribute name, enter DeviceIdentifier.
  4. In Attribute value, enter the desired numeric value.

    Note: The DeviceIdentifier attribute value should contain only numeric characters or the asterisk (*); alphabet characters, spaces, and other special characters are not recognized by the Beeper Action.

  5. Click OK to save changes.

See Also

Using Device Properties

Working with Device Properties

Using Device Properties - Summary

Using Device Properties - General

Device Properties - Performance Monitors

Using Device Properties - Active Monitors

Using Device Properties - Passive Monitors

Using Device Properties - Actions

Using Device Properties - Credentials

Using Device Properties - Polling

Using Device Properties - Virtualization

Using Device Properties - Notes

Using Device Properties - Custom Links

Using Device Properties - Attributes

Using Device Property - Menus

Using WhatsConfigured Device Properties - Tasks