Using Device Properties - Attributes

The Attributes dialog lists information about the associated device, such as contact person, location, serial number, etc. The first three attributes in the list (Contact, Description, and Location) are added by WhatsUp Gold when the device is added to the database, either by the Device Discovery wizard, or through another means.

To add attributes to a device:

  1. In the Device List or Map View, right-click a device, then click Properties. The Device Properties dialog appears.
    - or -
    From any page where a device is selected using the device picker, click Properties in the title bar.
  2. Click Attributes. The Attributes dialog appears.
  3. Use the following options:
    • Click Add to add a new device attribute. The Add Attribute dialog appears.

    Note: When you add or edit an attribute, ensure Attribute name does not contain a space. For example, use Phone_Number as an attribute name, instead of Phone Number. WhatsUp Gold returns an 'No Such Attribute' error when an attribute variable such as %Device.attribute.[attribute_name] is used in a message and the attribute name contains a space.

    • Select a device attribute in the list, then click Edit to change the settings.
    • Select a device attribute in the list, then click Remove to remove it from the list.
  4. Enter information in the Attribute name and Attribute value boxes.
  5. Click OK to save changes.

See Also

Using Device Properties

Working with Device Properties

Using Device Properties - Summary

Using Device Properties - General

Device Properties - Performance Monitors

Using Device Properties - Active Monitors

Using Device Properties - Passive Monitors

Using Device Properties - Actions

Using Device Properties - Credentials

Using Device Properties - Polling

Using Device Properties - Virtualization

Using Device Properties - Notes

Using Device Properties - Custom Links

Using the DeviceIdentifier attribute

Using Device Property - Menus

Using WhatsConfigured Device Properties - Tasks