STEP 5: View the WhatsVirtual reports

Dashboard reports

The following reports have been added to WhatsUp Gold to provide information about your virtual environment.

Configuring VMware dashboard reports

Before you can configure a dashboard report, it must be added to your dashboard view. For information on adding dashboard reports to a dashboard view, see Adding dashboard reports to a dashboard view in the dialog help.

Configure VMware dashboard reports on the Configure Report dialog (Menu > Configure Report).

Click the Browse (...) button to select the device you want to use as a data source for the report.

Full reports

WhatsVirtual Events. This report displays events that WhatsVirtual is configured to collect from the vCenter server. The events appear in reverse chronological order, so that the last event received appears at the top of the list.

You can access the WhatsVirtual Events report from the WhatsUp Gold web interface from the Reports Tab. (System > WhatsVirtual Events)

See Also

Using WhatsVirtual

STEP 1: Purchase and enable the WhatsVirtual license

STEP 2: Create Credentials and Perform Discovery

STEP 3: Manage and monitor virtual devices

STEP 4: View the WhatsVirtual maps