Adding and editing a SNMP Active Monitor

The Simple Network Management Protocol is the protocol governing network management and monitoring of network devices and their functions. In this monitor, WhatsUp Gold utilizes SNMP to gather specific information about the functions of SNMP-enabled network devices by querying a device to verify that it returns an expected value. Depending on the state you choose, the monitor is considered either Up or Down according to the returned value.

To add or edit a SNMP active monitor:

  1. Click the Admin tab, then click Monitor Library. The Monitor Library dialog appears.
  2. Click the Active tab. The Active Monitor list appears.
  3. Click New, then select SNMP Monitor from the list to create a new SNMP monitor. Click OK.
    - or -
    Select the SNMP monitor you want to change from the list of monitors, and then click Edit.
  4. Complete the information for the following fields.
    • Name. Type a name for the active monitor. This name displays in the Active Monitor Library.
    • Description. Type a short description for the monitor. This description displays next to the monitor in the Active Monitor Library.
    • Object ID. Click the Browse (...) button, then locate and select the appropriate SNMP object in the MIB object tree. For more information, see Selecting an Object in the MIB Tree below.
    • Check type. Select Constant Value, Range of Values, or Rate of Change in Value.
  5. Complete the check type information.

    When Constant Value is selected:

    • Value. Depending on the Object ID you selected, type the appropriate value.
    • If the value matches, then the monitor is: select Up or Down.

    When Range of Values is selected:

    • Low Value. Depending on the Object ID you selected, type the appropriate value.
    • High Value. Depending on the Object ID you selected, type the appropriate value.

    When Rate of Change in Value is selected:

    • Rate of Change (in variable units per second). Type the desired value.
    • If the value is above the rate, then the monitor is: select Up or Down.
  6. Click OK to save changes.

After configuring an active monitor in the Active Monitor Library, add the monitor to devices.

Selecting an Object in the MIB Tree

In order to select the appropriate object in the MIB tree, you need to be familiar with the MIB names for the SNMP objects you want to monitor. For more information, see RFC 1213.

Example A. Suppose you want to monitor the volume of data going out through your router, select ifOutOctets in the MIB object tree, thus inserting in the MIB box.

Example B. Suppose you are interested in the operating status value of a port on your router, select ifOperStatus, thus inserting in the MIB box.

Example C. Suppose you are interested in the errors on a port on your router, select ifInErrors, thus inserting in the MIB box.

See Also

Configuring Active Monitors

Adding and editing a Domain Service (DNS) Monitor

Adding and editing an NT Service Monitor

Adding and editing a Ping Monitor

Adding and editing an SSH Active Monitor

Adding and editing a TCPIP Monitor

Adding and editing a Telnet Monitor