Remote Reports: Remote Sites

This Remote Report dashboard report lists all sites configured for use with WhatsUp Gold Remote and Central Site Editions. For more information, see Using the Remote/Central dashboard reports.

This report displays the following information:

To configure this dashboard report in WhatsUp Gold:

  1. In the title bar of the dashboard report pane, select Menu > Configure. The Configure Report dialog appears.
  2. Enter or select the appropriate information in the following fields.
    • Report name. Enter a title for the dashboard report. This name appears in the title bar of the dashboard report pane.
    • Column 3 width. Enter a width (in pixels) for the Last connect time column.
    • Column 4 width. Enter a width (in pixels) for the Last refresh time column.
  3. Click OK to save changes.

See Also

Remote/Central reports

Remote/Central dashboard reports

Remote Reports: Remote Group List

Remote Reports: Remote Sites Overview

Remote Reports: Tail of Remote Site Log dashboard report

Remote Reports: Active Monitor States

Remote Reports: Device Status

Remote Reports: Monitor Status

Remote Reports: Summary Counts

Remote Reports: Tail of Action Activity Log dashboard report

Remote Reports: Top 10 Ping Response Time

Remote Report: Top 10 Ping Response Time over 1ms

Remote Reports: Top 10 Ping Packet Loss

Remote Reports: Top 10 Ping by Packet Loss over 50%

Remote Reports: Top 10 CPU by Utilization

Remote Reports: Top 10 CPU by Utilization over 80% dashboard report

Remote Reports: Top 10 Memory by Utilization dashboard report

Remote Reports: Top 10 Memory by Utilization over 80% dashboard report

Remote Reports: Top 10 Disk Utilization dashboard report

Remote Reports: Top 10 Disk Utilization over 80% dashboard report

Remote Reports: Top 10 Disk Free Space dashboard report

Remote Reports: Top 10 Disk Free Space Over 1024 MB dashboard report

Remote Reports: Top 10 Interface Utilization dashboard report

Remote Reports: Top 10 Interface Utilization Over 80% dashboard report

Remote Reports: Top 10 Interface Traffic Utilization Over 80% dashboard report

Remote Reports: Top 10 Interface with Traffic Over 50 Kbps dashboard report

Remote Reports: Top 10 Custom Performance Monitor dashboard report

Remote Reports: Top 10 Custom Performance Monitor with Threshold dashboard report

Remote Reports: Top 10 Ping Availability dashboard report

Remote Reports: Top 10 Ping Availability Over 50%