Recovering from a "Version Mismatch" error

When starting the WhatsUp Gold or Flow Monitor application, you may get a "Version Mismatch" error if the program version does not match the database version. The WhatsUp Gold and Flow Monitor applications can only use a database that is compatible with the version of the software currently installed.

If the install encounters an error during upgrade, and you abort the database upgrade portion of the install, or you choose the Ignore option and allow the upgrade process to continue the install, the database may not not be upgraded properly. To attempt to resolve this issue, reboot your machine and run the same install again. During the install, select the Repair option.

Important: If running the repair does not correct the database issue, review your log file to help identify the issue (located in the ..\Program Files\Ipswitch\WhatsUp\RemoteDBConfig.txt, search the Ipswitch Knowledge Base for technical support resources, or contact Ipswitch Technical Support for troubleshooting help.

You may also get a "Version Mismatch" error if you restore a WhatsUp Gold or Flow Monitor database from an earlier version of the application. To attempt to resolve this issue, reboot your machine and run the same install again. During the install, select the Repair option.

Important: The WhatsUp Gold polling engine will not run, nor can the WhatsUp Gold, Alert Center, or Flow Monitor applications be used until this database version mismatch error is corrected.

See Also

Troubleshooting and Maintenance

Troubleshooting your network

Maintaining the Database

Task Tray Application fails on Windows Vista

Connecting to a Remote Desktop

WhatsUp Gold engine message

Troubleshooting SNMP and WMI connections

Re-enabling the Telnet protocol handler

Passive Monitor payload limitation

Receiving entries in the SNMP Trap Log

Restarting the WhatsUp Gold services from the command line

Recommended SMS modems and troubleshooting tips

Uninstalling Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold

Troubleshooting the WhatsUp Health Threshold