Connecting to a Remote Desktop

WhatsUp Gold provides a quick link to the Remote Desktop/Terminal Services client that allows you to connect to your devices remotely. If the client is installed on your WhatsUp Gold computer, and the Remote Desktop/Terminal Services is installed and activated on the device you want to connect to, you are prompted for the user name and password for that device.

This application allows you to troubleshoot problems with your devices and monitors identified by WhatsUp Gold.

To connect to a remote desktop:

  1. Right-click the device you want to connect to.
  2. From the right-click menu, select Remote Desktop. If the connection is successful, the log in dialog appears. If the connection fails, an error message appears.  

Note: For more information about the Remote Desktop feature, see the online help for the Remote Desktop client itself.

See Also

Troubleshooting and Maintenance

Troubleshooting your network

Maintaining the Database

Recovering from a "Version Mismatch" error

Task Tray Application fails on Windows Vista

WhatsUp Gold engine message

Troubleshooting SNMP and WMI connections

Re-enabling the Telnet protocol handler

Passive Monitor payload limitation

Receiving entries in the SNMP Trap Log

Restarting the WhatsUp Gold services from the command line

Recommended SMS modems and troubleshooting tips

Uninstalling Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold

Troubleshooting the WhatsUp Health Threshold