About Alert Center Home

Alert Center Home displays running notification policies and workspace reports for configured Alert Center thresholds.

Filtering data

You can sort the data displayed on this page in several ways using the three lists at the top of the page.

Running Notification Policies

This section of Alert Center Home displays the following data for any notification policy that is currently running.

Tip: Click a policy name to view current and historical data for the notification policy.

Tip: Click the Running Notification Policies title bar to view the Running Notification Policies report.

Threshold workspace reports

Each threshold workspace report displays data relevant to that threshold type.

Note: Items that have been acknowledged display a green check mark Green_Acknoweldged_Check_v14 next to their name on Alert Center Home threshold workspace reports.

Threshold workspace report title bar

Service icons

WhatsUp Gold service icons are located at the bottom right of the page. These icons display information about the Alert Center, WhatsUp Gold, and Flow Monitor service. Position the mouse cursor over an icon to view status information.


Position the mouse cursor over the Alert Center service icon to view the service's current status. Click the icon to view the Alert Center Service dialog, where you can stop and restart the service.


Position the mouse cursor over the WhatsUp Engine service icon to view the service's current status. Click the icon to view the WhatsUp Engine Service dialog, where you can stop and restart the service.


Position the mouse cursor over the Flow Service icon to view the service's current status. Click the icon to view the Flow Service dialog, where you can stop and restart the service.

Title bar quick links

There are several quick links at the top of the page you can use to access different parts of the Alert Center or Online Help.

See Also

Navigating Alert Center