About Alert Center record maintenance

You can configure the amount of time to keep Alert Center data in your database on the Configure Database Record Expiration dialog.

To configure Alert Center data expiration settings:

  1. Go to the Configure Database Record Expiration dialog:
    • From the web interface, click GO. The GO menu appears.
    • If the WhatsUp section is not visible, click WhatsUp. The WhatsUp section of the GO menu appears.
    • Select Alert Center > Record Maintenance. The Configure Database Record Expiration dialog appears.
  2. Specify expiration settings:

    Alert Center Log

    Enter a number of days and/or hours after which you would like to expire data for this report. Data that is expired is deleted from the database.

    Alert Center Items

    Enter a number of days and/or hours after which you would like to expire data for this report.

  3. Click OK to save changes.

See Also

Using Alert Center reports

About Running Notifications

About the Alert Center Log

About the Alert Center Items report