Configuring a Flow Monitor interface traffic threshold

To configure a Flow Monitor interface traffic threshold:

  1. Go to the Alert Center Home page:
    • From the web interface, click GO. The GO menu appears.
    • If the WhatsUp section is not visible, click WhatsUp. The WhatsUp section of the GO menu appears.
    • Select Alert Center. The Alert Center Home page appears.
    • Click Manage Thresholds. The Alert Center Threshold Library appears.
  2. Click New. The Select Threshold Type dialog appears.
  3. Select Flow Monitor Interface Threshold, then click OK. The New/Edit Flow Monitor Interface Threshold dialog appears.


  4. Specify or select the appropriate information in the dialog fields:

    Specify a Name for the threshold; this name is displayed as the threshold's workspace report title on the Alert Center Home page.


    Select and enter the desired threshold criteria variables and values. The default threshold is configured to alert when incoming or outgoing interface traffic exceeds 10% for more than 1 day.

    Traffic to monitor

    Select the NetFlow Monitor sources from which to monitor traffic; all interfaces on a NetFlow source are monitored. By default, the threshold is set to monitor traffic from all NetFlow sources.


    Select the notification policy you would like to apply to this threshold. This policy begins sending notifications when an item falls out of the threshold you configure above. If you do not see an appropriate threshold policy, or if the list is empty, browse (...) to the Notification Policy dialog to configure a new policy.

    Note: It is not required that you select a notification policy for use with every threshold. If you do not select a notification policy, no notifications are generated for the threshold, but a workspace report with the out of threshold items will still appear on the Alert Center Home page.

    Threshold check

    Enter a value for the threshold check interval, or the interval at which the Alert Center checks the WhatsUp Gold database to see if there are items that are out of the threshold's parameters. The default polling interval is 3 minutes.

    Select Automatically resolve items no longer out of threshold to have Alert Center automatically resolve items when they go back inside the parameters of the threshold.

    Note: We advise that your threshold check interval be shorter than the amount of time for which you are gathering data for this threshold. For example, if you configure a threshold that checks CPU data every 10 minutes, your threshold check interval should be 9 minutes or less. If the threshold check interval is longer than the data sample period, the Alert Center may miss data relevant to the threshold.

  5. Click OK to save changes.

See Also

Configuring Flow Monitor thresholds

Configuring a conversation partners threshold

Configuring a custom threshold

Configuring a failed connections threshold

Configuring a top sender/receiver threshold