About Device Property Polling

Polling is the term used for monitoring discovered devices in WhatsUp Gold. The Polling dialog lets you configure polling options and/or schedule maintenance times for the selected device.

Device Properties Polling dialog


Note: Polling dependencies & blackouts only apply to the collection of device active monitors.


Use this section of the dialog to manually set the device Maintenance state, or schedule the maintenance state for a certain time period. Any device placed in Maintenance mode will not be polled, but it remains in the device list with an identifying icon. By default, the maintenance state is represented by an orange background color.

For more information, see Polling overview and Dependencies overview.

See Also

Learning about the Device Properties

About General Device Properties

About Device Property Performance Monitors

About Device Property Active Monitors

About Device Property Passive Monitors

About Device Property Actions

About Device Property Credentials

About Device Property Notes

About Device Property Menus

About Device Property Custom Links

About Device Property Attributes

About the DeviceIdentifier attribute

About Device Property Tasks