About Device Property Menus

In the WhatsUp Gold console, you can use the Menu dialog to create a custom context menu for a device. Context menus are custom menu items that appear when you right-click a device; they serve as "shortcuts" to launch applications.

The menu item can launch programs based on the command line you enter. You can also append command line arguments, including WhatsUp Gold Percent Variable arguments to include device IP address, device host name, and other types of percent variable arguments. When you select the new menu item, the associated command is launched with the arguments that were included in the device's custom menu configuration.

Device Properties Menu dialog

Important: Menu items can only be configured on the WhatsUp Gold console.

See Also

Learning about the Device Properties

About General Device Properties

About Device Property Performance Monitors

About Device Property Active Monitors

About Device Property Passive Monitors

About Device Property Actions

About Device Property Credentials

About Device Property Polling

About Device Property Notes

About Device Property Custom Links

About Device Property Attributes

About the DeviceIdentifier attribute

About Device Property Tasks