System - Problem Areas: SNMP Trap Log

The Group SNMP Trap Log provides a history of SNMP traps that have occurred for all devices in the specified group during the time period displayed at the bottom of the report. If the SNMP Trap Passive Monitor Listener is configured to listen for messages, any messages received are recorded in the SNMP Trap Log.

Note: In order for entries to be added to this report, the SNMP Trap Listener must be enabled. For more information, see Enabling the SNMP Trap Listener. Additionally, if the trap receiving port is not on the firewall's list of exceptions, traps may not be receivable and as a result will not be added to the SNMP Trap Log. Please ensure that the trap receiving port is on the firewall's list of exceptions.

Tip: If you experience page load delays for device or system passive monitor reports (SNMP Trap, Syslog, and Windows Event Log), this may be caused by too many records to display for this report time range. Change the time range or reduce the Maximum Passive Monitor Records setting to display fewer records. Reducing the maximum number of passive monitor records will improve WhatsUp Gold report display performance.

Note: WhatsUp Gold v14.1 and prior used a default value of 10,000 max records; WhatsUp Gold v14.2 and later use a default value of 1,000 max records. For more information, see Manage Web Server.

This report includes the time the message was received as well as its source, the trap that triggered it, and its payload.

Report body

Note: The data is limited to the first 100 bytes in the payload. To view the full payload, click the payload entry to launch the Payload Viewer.

Note: If this report's data exceeds the maximum number of records set for full reports, use the Zoom Tool to view more records for the report. The maximum number of records any full report displays is specified in the Preferences dialog.

To change the report date

Use the date/time picker at the top of the report to select a date range and time frame.

In the Date range list, some reports also allow you to specify and customize the business hour report times for reports to display. This allows you to view the network activity only for specified business hours. The date and time format for the date on this report matches the format specified in Program Options > Regional set in the WhatsUp Gold console.

Paging Options

At both the bottom and the top of the report table exist report paging controls that allow you to move through extensive amounts of report data with ease. First, use the Page list to select the specific page for which to view report data. Next, use the Showing ___ rows per page list to specify the number of rows that you would like displayed in the report. You can choose to display 25, 50, 1000, 250, or 500 rows. The default maximum is 50 rows. Finally, the Paging buttons allow you to move from page to page, or go to the first or last page.

Click to view the first page in the report.

Use to go to the first record.

Click to view the previous report page.

Use to go to previous records.

Click to view the next report page.

Use to go to next records.

Click to view the last page in the report.

Use to go to the last record.


You can change the report you are viewing by selecting one from the More System Reports pull-down menu.


You can print a fully formatted report through your browser by clicking the print icon in the browser's toolbar, or selecting File > Print from the browser's menu.

Toolbar buttons

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Reports Options button

Click this icon to add the current report to:

  • your Favorites list (available in full reports).
    Tip: After selected, Favorite reports can be accessed from the Reports > Favorites folder of the WhatsUp section of the GO Menu.
  • export the report to a file (Text, Microsoft Excel, or PDF available in full reports and PDF available in workspace reports).
  • email a report as a PDF attachment.
  • schedule reports to be emailed.
    Note: JavaScript must be enabled on your browser for this feature to work.

Click this button to view the help for this report.

Click this icon to view help for the current report.