About the Task Tray and Desktop Actions icons

WhatsUp Gold installs two task bar icons on your computer.

WhatsUp Gold Icons

During normal operation, the Task Tray icon displays the worst state of all devices on your map.

Tip: You can enable tooltips to have the icon display any state change that occurs on the system. To do this, right-click on the icon and select or clear Enable Tooltips.

WhatsUp Gold task tray icons

When the WhatsUp Gold service is stopped and the polling engine is not running, this icon appears:

In this case, you need to restart the WhatsUp Polling Engine service. If the polling engine is not running, WhatsUp Gold is not connected to the database, and nothing in the application functions properly.

Note: Sound and Text-to-Speech actions are disabled when you close the Desktop Actions icon.

See Also

Using the WhatsUp Gold Console

About the console

Using the WhatsUp Gold console menus

About the Device View

About the Map View