Migrating the iDrone Service Database

If you are monitoring applications using one or more iDrones (EUM Pollers), in addition to migrating your WhatsUp Gold database, you also need to point the iDrone IIS application to the machine hosting the iDroneService database.

To update the iDroneService database location following WhatsUp Gold database migration:

  1. Launch Windows Explorer and navigate to the iDrone folder on the WhatsUp Gold server. This is typically <computer>\Program Files (x86)\Ipswitch\WhatsUp\HTML\iDrone.
  2. Open the web.config file in any text editor application.
  3. Modify the dbConnectionString value to match the host where the WhatsUp Gold database has been relocated.

    Note: For example, if you've relocated the WhatsUp Gold database from the localhost to a server named 'mydbserver':

    <value>Server=localhost\WhatsUp;Database=iDroneService;Integrated Security=True;</value>

    would be modified to read as follows:

    <value>Server=mydbserver\WhatsUp;Database=iDroneService;Integrated Security=True;</value>

  4. Save the web.config file.

See Also

Database and Application Migration

Migrating WhatsUp Gold database files

Migrating WhatsUp Gold using a local database