Migrating WhatsUp Gold using a local database

Use the following procedures to migrate the WhatsUp Gold application from one server to another.

To disable WhatsUp Gold on the existing server:

  1. Select Ipswitch WhatsUp Gold > Manage WhatsUp Gold License from the Windows Start menu to launch the activation dialog.
  2. Select Deactivate this license on this computer, then click Next.
  3. Click Finish.
  4. Copy the installation program and all backup files to the new server.

To successfully migrate WhatsUp Gold using a local database, you must restore the WhatsUp Gold databases after installing the application on the new server.

To install WhatsUp Gold and restore databases:

  1. Run the installation program on the new server.

    Important: If you are connecting WhatsUp Gold to a remote database, proceed directly to restarting WhatsUp Gold System Services after installing WhatsUp Gold on the new server. If WhatsUp Gold will be using a local database, continue by executing the database file restore procedures that follow.

  2. After installation is complete, launch the WhatsUp Gold console application
  3. Select Tools > Database Utilities > Restore WhatsUp SQL Database.
  4. Browse to and select the WhatsUp database backup .bak file.
  5. Enter the SQL Login and Password.
  6. Allow WhatsUp Gold to restart the Ipswitch Service Control Manager and the WhatsUp Gold application pool in IIS when prompted.
  7. Select Tools > Database Utilities > Restore Network Traffic Analyzer SQL Databases > Restore Network Traffic Analyzer Current Database.
  8. Browse to and select the NetFlow database backup .bak file.
  9. Enter the SQL Login and Password.
  10. Allow WhatsUp Gold to restart the Ipswitch Service Control Manager and the WhatsUp Gold application pool in IIS when prompted.
  11. Select Tools > Database Utilities > Restore Network Traffic Analyzer SQL Databases > Restore Network Traffic Analyzer Archive Database.
  12. Browse to and select the NFArchive database backup .bak file.
  13. Enter the SQL Login and Password.
  14. Allow WhatsUp Gold to restart the Ipswitch Service Control Manager and the WhatsUp Gold application pool in IIS when prompted.
  15. Close the WhatsUp Gold console application.

To migrate settings and files not stored in the database:

To restart WhatsUp Gold services on the new server:

  1. Launch the WhatsUp Gold web interface and log in.
  2. Select SETTINGS > System Services from the top menu navigation.
  3. Select the check box within the Services Status table header to select all services, then click WUG17.0N-IMG-RESTART_SERVICE to restart.

See Also

Database and Application Migration

Migrating WhatsUp Gold database files

Migrating the iDrone Service Database