SSH Action
The SSH action connects to remote devices via SSH to execute commands or scripts.
Configure the following:
- . Enter a unique name for the action. This name displays in the Actions Library.
- . Enter a short description about the action. This description displays next to the action in the Actions Library.
- . Enter the IP address of the device to which you want to connect using SSH.
: You can enter %Device.Address
into the box; however, an SSH action that does not specify a specific IP address in this box is not available in the Recurring Actions wizard.
- . Enter the command to be run and executed on the remote device. This command can be anything that the device can interpret and run; for example, a Unix shell command or a perl script.
: If you create a script to run on the remote device, the script must be developed, tested, and/or debugged on the remote machine. WhatsUp Gold does not support manipulation of the remote script.
- .
- . Select the appropriate SSH credential that WhatsUp Gold uses to connect to the remote device. If you select Use the device SSH credential, WhatsUp Gold uses the SSH credential assigned to the device for which the IP address is listed above. If the appropriate SSH credential is not listed, or the device has no SSH credentials assigned, browse (...) to the WhatsUp Gold Credentials Library to configure a set of credentials.