Device Properties View
The Device Properties interface displays available data about the selected device itself and its assignments. Upon accessing Device Properties, identifying information for the selected device as well as its current status and notes about its initial discovery can be seen at the center of the interface. Use the following controls for common functions applicable to device monitoring at right:
More detailed information about specific areas of the selected device can be found by expanding the sections at the bottom or navigating between views at the top of the interface. The sections displayed are dependent upon the device role and information gathered during discovery and do not appear if not applicable to the selected device.
- Primary and Sub Roles lists the monitoring category, or role, in which the selected device was automatically placed by WhatsUp Gold based on specific data gathered during discovery as well as any more tightly defined categorization, or sub roles, assigned during discovery or defined by the end-user.
- Attributes displays any additional information that can be gathered about the selected device through discovery or assigned manually by the end-user.
- Custom Links presents any user-defined URLs associated with the selected device.
- Device Information provides detailed system and Layer 2 connectivity data reported by the selected device when polled during initial discovery. Please note, Layer 2 data collection must have been enabled during device discovery for this section to populate.
- Configuration Management allows you to manage and run scheduled tasks as well as modify and compare configuration archives assigned to the selected device.
- Virtual Monitoring indicates if the selected device is a virtual device and if so its specific role and any additional virtualization data including associated servers, hosts, and/or virtual devices.