Packet Size Distribution
Packet Size Distribution report reveals IP packet size for the selected interval. Packet size distribution metrics is a useful tool for characterizing Internet traffic and analyzing both TCP and routing performance.
: The maximum transfer unit of Ethernet v2 frames is 1500 kilobytes.
- . Size of packets being transmitted.
- . Total bytes transmitted for the traffic type.
- . Total average bit rate.
- . Number of packets of a particular size transmitted.
- . Total average packet rate.
- . Service type current percentage of the total traffic.
Generate a report
. , Choose a networking device or single physical or virtual interface you want to see Packet Size Distribution measurements for. Choose traffic direction across an interface.
Use the Select Device dialog for one of the following:
Browse and choose a networking device that is a Network Traffic Analysis monitoring source.
Network Interface.
- Choose a single physical or virtual interface Network Traffic Analysis you want traffic statistics for.
- Choose direction of traffic over the network interface (, , , or for invalid traffic.).
. Choose times for the Packet Size Distribution.
Choose time constraints for data view
Date Range
Choose or define an overall date range.
Business hours
- Focus on specific days of the week and periods within each day.
- Reveal trends that are sensitive to business hours, time zones, and other periodic attributes in the observed data.
. Choose and hide columns, reorder columns, and apply advanced filters to customize your data view.
Filter and pick by column
Click a report heading () and use the "column picker" () from the drop down list.
Click a check box to display the column. Clear the check box to hide it.
Move Column.
Click on a column heading and drag it to reorder your table's columns.
Advanced Filtering.
Apply category, pattern, and keyword filtering to column data.
. Fine tune report presentation and range of values displayed using the Report Settings dialog (optional).
Specify threshold and top n:
Show Top n Items
Limit items to the samples with the highest values.
Sort by Field
Select a column to sort by (if applicable).
Chart and view options
View Options
Select/clear the checkboxes to display/hide
- Totals. Display totals for each column.
- Others. Remainder values that do not make the top n.
- Chart. Display the selected Chart Type
- Legend. Include legend and grid lines for readability.
- Trend Lines. Present data a smoothed average to show trend.
Chart Type
Select a chart type and associated options:
- Pie. Pie distribution chart.
- Line/Area. Scatter graph that connects adjacent measurements with straight lines.
- Spline/Area Spline. Choose a graph with a smoothed appearance where adjacent samples exhibit a gradual slope.
- Vertical Bar/Horizontal Bar. Vertical or horizontal bar chart/histogram.
Y-Axis Scale
Scale Y-axis (chart and graph height) automatically or choose a fixed size.
Share, export, and save as PDF
Most generated Packet Size Distribution report data can be printed, shared, and exported when selecting () from the Dashboard Options () menu. After the report has been expanded, select export () to access the following options: