From the Discovered Network Map, you can see a map of discovered devices or perform a new scan to find additional network devices to monitor, update connectivity data for existing devices already being monitored by WhatsUp Gold, and access previously saved discovery setting configurations and results.
Select DISCOVER from the navigation menu, then choose from the following options:
At left are icons used to configure the map view to assist you with viewing discovered devices and selecting devices to add to your My Network map. Using these controls you can:
Filter the map by attributes such as location, device name or IP address, assigned credential types, current status, and role to limit the number of items displayed. |
Display discovered devices previously hidden from the map. |
The bottom of the interface contains the following controls for manipulating the map view:
Display/Hide the Monitor Legend on the map. |
Zoom in, zoom out, and fit the map displayed to the available screen space. |
Toggle between pan and select modes. When pan mode is enabled, clicking and dragging moves the displayed map. When select mode is enabled, clicking and dragging selects all devices within that area of the map. |
Access map tools to customize, create objects for, and import images into your My Network view. Please note, map tools are only available when custom layout is enabled. |
Show/Hide the Device List both in partial and in full screen views. |
A status bar showing the progress of the discovery scan in progress if applicable also appears at the bottom of the interface.