Virtual Machines CPU Utilization

Virtual Machines CPU Utilization report reveals the fraction of CPU percentage used by "guest" or virtual machines while running on host cores allocated and scheduled by the hypervisor.

Generate a report

Choose Device. Choose one or more host devices you want Virtual Machines CPU Utilization measurements for.

Sort and pick columns. Sort and pick columns.

Rename Report. WUG17.0N-SP2-REPORTS-SETTINGS-IMG Edit report name using the Report Settings WUG17.0N-SP2-REPORTS-SETTINGS-IMG dialog.

Share, export, and save as PDF

Most generated Virtual Machines CPU Utilization report data can be printed, shared, and exported when selecting Expand (Full_Screen_Transparent) from the Dashboard Options (DasboardOptions) menu. After the report has been expanded, select export (WUG17.0N-SP2-IMG-EXPORT_REPORT_DATA) to access the following options:

See Also

Virtual Reporting

Virtual Machines Disk Activity

Virtual Machines Interface Utilization

Virtual Machines Memory Utilization

VMware Virtual Machines Datastore IOPS

VMware Device Datastore IOPS