Mapping Wireless

When the Wireless overlay WUG18.0-Wireless_Overlay_Icon is enabled, additional icons representing individual SSIDs associated with monitored access points and wireless controllers appear on the map.


Within each SSID icon, you can see a number indicating how many wireless clients are connected using that SSID. Click any SSID icon to launch an information card specific to the SSID. This is similar to a device information card in behavior and appearance, however it reports wireless-specific information about the SSID and its connections including the access point broadcasting it, the number of clients currently connected using it, and a list of the top ten connected clients along with their MAC addresses sorted by utilization. You can click Total clients: X to launch the Wireless Clients report or click an individual client name to launch the Wireless Clients: Specific Client report for that wireless device.


See Also


Monitoring Wireless

Wireless Settings

Global Wireless Settings

Global Wireless Settings

Wireless Client Groups

Wireless Excluded Rogues