
Syslog records UNIX/Linux system-wide events. Network Performance Monitor can accept Syslog messages from specific devices running Syslog or from all devices, depending on the selected options.

It is not unusual for WhatsUp Gold to receive Syslog messages from a Syslog server daemon (syslogd) running on a non-UNIX operating system (OS). For example, some environments will deploy such a device as a centralized/dedicated Syslog host. Syslog uses standard C libraries and can be ported to run on operating systems other than UNIX.

Each log message record contains the following data columns:

Fetch and filter log data

Choose device. Choose one or more host devices.

Choose time constraints. BusinessHours Choose specific windows for log data, or choose Last Polled DateRange for the latest.

Filter and reduce by row and by column. Select rows based on specific column values, remove columns, and remove noise and chaff from the table.

Note: If the receiving port is not on the list of firewall exceptions, messages may not be receivable and as a result will not be added to Syslog. Please ensure that the syslog receiving port is on the firewall's list of exceptions.

Tip: If you experience page load delays for device or system passive monitor reports (SNMP Trap, Syslog, and Windows Event Log), this may be caused by too many records to display for this report time range. Change the time range or reduce the Maximum Passive Monitor Records setting to display fewer records. Reducing the maximum number of passive monitor records improves Network Performance Monitor report display performance. For more information, see Managing server options.

Email, export, and save as PDF

Syslog event data can be exported, reused, and distributed. Select export (WUG17.0N-SP2-IMG-EXPORT_REPORT_DATA) to access the following options:

See Also


About Logs

Logging Quick Start

Survey of Frequently Used Logs

Consolidated Logs

Action Log

Actions Applied Log

Activity Log

Actions Activity Log

Blackout Summary Log

Scan History

General Error Log

Hyper-V Event Log

Logger Health Messages

Passive Monitor Error Log

Performance Monitor Error Log

Policy Audit

Recurring Action Log

Scheduled Report Log

SNMP Trap Log

Task Log

VMware Event Log

Web User Activity Log

Windows Event Log


Alert Center Log View

Network Traffic Analyzer Logs

Applications State Change Log

APM-Resolved Items Log

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