Blackout Policies

Blackout Policies (SETTINGS menu > Alert Center Libraries - Blackout Policies) enable you to designate specific personnel and periods where alerting is muted. It enables you to override/pivot notification schedules between teams, designate on-call or shifts of responsibility, combine blackout period with chains of notification, and more.

Managing Blackout Policies:

From the Notification Policies Library in the WhatsUp Gold Alert Center Libraries view, you can perform the following Blackout Policies operations.

Add. Create new Blackout Policies.

Edit. Adjust, tune, and configure existing Blackout Policies.

Copy. Create policy cloned from the configuration of existing Blackout Policies.

Delete. Remove Blackout Policies from library.

Example Blackout Policy (Mute or 'Blackout' All but Second Shift SMS Texts)

See Also

Alerts and Actions

Applying Thresholds, Alerts, Notification Schedules, and Action Policies

Creating Alerts

Selecting an Action Type

Built-in Action Types

Selecting an Action Type

Select a State Change

Select Action and State

Guidelines for Creating Action Policies

Creating Actions and Action Policies

Recurring Action Library

Adding and editing a Recurring Action

Select a State Change

Select Action and State

Configuring Actions and Alerts

Thresholds Library

Notifications Library

Notification Policies

Notification Blackout Policies