After you run discovery, discovered devices display on the Discovered Network Map. Initially, these devices display as unmonitored . This topic describes how you add them to your monitored network.
Note: When you add monitoring to a device it counts towards the points limit defined within your WhatsUp Gold license.
To add discovered devices to be monitored, you select them and apply monitoring. You can interact with the monitored devices by way of the My Network map.
To add discovered devices:
From Discovered Network map view (DISCOVER > Discovered Network), select or bulk select device(s).
Device Card (single device) or Device Summary (for more than one selected device) displays.
The Start/Update Monitoring dialog box displays.
Icons for each device you add transitions visually from unmonitored to monitored
Tip: You manage devices by way of the My Network map or list view. For example, you cannot delete devices directly from Discovered Network after you add them. You must delete them from My Network instead.
Tip: Contact the WhatsUp Gold Team to increase the number of device licenses.